I saw a picture of some curtains recently that I thought were cute. I decided to try and make something similar in my own particular style, which is to say romantic and shabby chic. I've tried to find the picture but I emptied my trash so that's it.
Anyway, they were sheers with a tier of 3 ruffles of brown fabric on the top with grommets for the rod. They weren't gathered but hung taut on the rod. I did mine a tad differently but it involved a trip to Joanns Fabrics with Love Bunny. :-) He didn't say a word and just followed me around because he KNEW how I felt about the camping trip we had a couple of weekends ago.
It quickly segued into 2 trips to Joanns in different cities—my little one here and the big Joanns in Boise. Why? Because they didn't have the 14 yards of fabric I needed, so I bought 7 yards here and 7 yards in Boise. This was of course a guess. I just went with it and if I had any left over I'd make another curtain for somewhere else in the house. As it turned out I have just a bit left over.
This is half of the fabric already torn apart. I don't usually cut; I tear mostly.
Then I had to set up my cutting table in the living room as the studio is small and it's in a shambles as usual.
Anyway, they were sheers with a tier of 3 ruffles of brown fabric on the top with grommets for the rod. They weren't gathered but hung taut on the rod. I did mine a tad differently but it involved a trip to Joanns Fabrics with Love Bunny. :-) He didn't say a word and just followed me around because he KNEW how I felt about the camping trip we had a couple of weekends ago.
It quickly segued into 2 trips to Joanns in different cities—my little one here and the big Joanns in Boise. Why? Because they didn't have the 14 yards of fabric I needed, so I bought 7 yards here and 7 yards in Boise. This was of course a guess. I just went with it and if I had any left over I'd make another curtain for somewhere else in the house. As it turned out I have just a bit left over.
This is half of the fabric already torn apart. I don't usually cut; I tear mostly.

Then I had to set up my cutting table in the living room as the studio is small and it's in a shambles as usual.

Then I featherstitched the sides of the 99" of fabric and the ruffles. It was very exacting...well, for ME it was. A practiced seamstress would have no problem but I'm not THAT good.

Okay, I'm NOT going to bore you with all the details but I just thought I'd throw in a few more photographs for good measure. ;-) This is one finished and one to go. I put some lace across the top of the first ruffle to hide the seam. (I'm lazy and try to take the easy way!) But I wanted them to be feminine and girly anyway.

Okay, chicks, here's Mr. Love Bunny agreeing under duress to holding them up for a closeup while somewhat gathered. Oooooh, I wish you could see the smile on that man's face...NOT.

He certainly could use my No!No! for his arms.

I first tried this little ribbon rose but didn't like it as much as the bigger paper roses.

Much better!

I hung this one to see how it would look and if I'd have to make any adjustments to the hem. As it turned out, it was just the perfect length. I also turned the ruffle at the top back and forth to create a unique look across the top. How do you like it? Actually, I'm just being nice here because I like it and that's what matters. ;-)

This is closeup and where it looks a different color are just shadows.

Ta da!!! Now, if I can just find/save the money for white slipcovers plus find someone who will do them, it'll be a whole different look.

And just so you know, I doubt I'll ever do this pattern again!