When we moved to Idaho, it was a bit of a culture shock. City vs. small town. We even had friends who'd ship in S.F. sourdough bread to us in big boxes because it wasn't available here yet. I have to admit I wasn't ready for it. So several years later, we moved to a larger town with a much larger population. I'm. Glad. We. Did!
It took a lot of getting used to. For instance, a woman once was talking about a vig net. I had no clue what she was talking about until she pointed out the word. She meant vignette, pronounced vinyet. But I graciously corrected her, telling her the word was french.
Then there is the word bathe, pronounced with a long A like bayth, and bath. The people who were new to us would say, "I'm going to bath the baby." I'd never heard that before. It's always been bathe (with a long a). In our speech it was always bathe the baby and taking a bath (like bathroom). Took some getting used to, but I wouldn't correct a person unless I knew them well and was alone with them to prevent them from becoming embarrassed.
Okay, San Francisco area is a lot different from rural Idaho and sometimes we'd see people who were too tacky for even a monster truck rally. Come to think of it, it's the norm today in most parts of the world. I'd rarely shopped at KMart up to that point in my life and the first year in that small town we Christmas-shopped at, yep, you got it right, KMart, because it was the only big store in the area. I was almost embarrassed to tell my kids. I'd never in my life been in a WalMart until one came to another town close to that small town and we'd go there instead of KMart. I began to love WM then and still do. I don't buy clothes there but I do buy just about everything in the way of food except for their meat. I don't like their meat at all. I like angus beef and buy it almost exclusively. I don't buy WM brand items as a rule as I'm very picky about our food. But I can buy the name brands much cheaper than any store around here.
I love doing silk embroidery. I don't do it very much anymore but this little embroidery is beautiful.
It took a lot of getting used to. For instance, a woman once was talking about a vig net. I had no clue what she was talking about until she pointed out the word. She meant vignette, pronounced vinyet. But I graciously corrected her, telling her the word was french.
Then there is the word bathe, pronounced with a long A like bayth, and bath. The people who were new to us would say, "I'm going to bath the baby." I'd never heard that before. It's always been bathe (with a long a). In our speech it was always bathe the baby and taking a bath (like bathroom). Took some getting used to, but I wouldn't correct a person unless I knew them well and was alone with them to prevent them from becoming embarrassed.
Okay, San Francisco area is a lot different from rural Idaho and sometimes we'd see people who were too tacky for even a monster truck rally. Come to think of it, it's the norm today in most parts of the world. I'd rarely shopped at KMart up to that point in my life and the first year in that small town we Christmas-shopped at, yep, you got it right, KMart, because it was the only big store in the area. I was almost embarrassed to tell my kids. I'd never in my life been in a WalMart until one came to another town close to that small town and we'd go there instead of KMart. I began to love WM then and still do. I don't buy clothes there but I do buy just about everything in the way of food except for their meat. I don't like their meat at all. I like angus beef and buy it almost exclusively. I don't buy WM brand items as a rule as I'm very picky about our food. But I can buy the name brands much cheaper than any store around here.
I love doing silk embroidery. I don't do it very much anymore but this little embroidery is beautiful.

I like this idea. I'd do it in pink and white if I did it though.
What a quick, easy, clever and cheap idea for a patio sofa. Cute!

Just goes to show you that rustic can also be romantic. I love this.

This is also a favorite room of mine. Pink always wins with me, along with a gorgeous window.

By now you should know I pretty much only post photos of room I love. Not always, but mostly. This is one I love. It's simply elegant to me.

Leather chairs, wood floors, french doors, ambiance, beautiful surroundings and furniture will always draw my attention.

I wouldn't even share this little sofa with Love Bunny. It would be mine!
You could make these for your bar stools. Darling.

An area I would love to duplicate if Love Bunny wasn't so cheap!

Beautiful pink French chairs.

I'm not the richest person in the richest city in the richest country on the face of the globe in the history of mankind. But tomorrow is another day. I am, however, richly blessed. ;-)
Photos courtesy of tumblr and pinterest.