Three beautiful decoupaged roses plates are for sale. Just get in contact with me for the information on how to buy them - $15.00 each plus shipping.
One is bareroot roses on pink, one is bareroot roses on red and one is a beautiful black fabric with red and pink roses. They can be wiped off but not submerged in water or dishwasher.
I really wanted to be beautiful and sexy but got stuck with being humorous and shapely instead. My dream job is Tech Writer. Yes, I said Tech Writer. I am a techie! Such is life. But I am truly a blessed chick. I left the corporate world of California in 1991 to live a more serene lifestyle and haven't regretted it for one moment. I have been married to the same man since 1961. We have 2 children, 4 grandchildren, and 3 great-granddaughters. I live my life in exclamation points!
I love blogging and sharing thoughts on life, my life, ramblings and gorgeous photos. There are no politics on this blog. I speak of my religion sometimes but that's it for religion, and there will never be ads on here. I want this blog to be a serene and celestial place for you, my readers, to enjoy and rest from the frantic pace of the world. I hope you do so with all my heart. I also have a huge amount of eye candy on here. I'm rarely boring.
Me 1968
I have "apple" cheeks!
Me 11/2009
My Pinterest
You will find lots more photos there.
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