My daughter is a mosaic artist and has given me many things she's made. She did not make the table top below but it is gorgeous. I just love eye candy so much and want to share as much as possible with you.

I like this kitchen, at least the part we can see, but the small niche we see here is darling. The homeowner has made art out of her rolling pins and has made use of the space above her refrigerator in a very pretty display of cake plates. Beside the refrigerator is also cute with shelves for her cook books.

Another room I'd love to make my craft room, but trust me, those bricks would be painted pink!

A bright yellow sunny porch to cheer up anyone.

A girl can never have enough pink, ruffles, bling or pink stripe sofas. Never!

I'd buy this if I knew where it came from. Shabby chic rag quilts.

Even this room has pompoms like I do in my office, family room, craft room and bedroom.

Berkeley, California typical house.
Beautiful claw foot tub with antiqued feet and green painted outside.

A small sweet country kitchen.

An absolutely gorgeous pillow.

Random Thoughts:
Envy is a mistake that keeps on giving. It is not often that I'm envious of someone. Truly. I just feel so blessed that it's hard to be envious. When I do get those thoughts, I remember all that we have instead of all that we don't. Works every time.
Have you read about or seen those women who are having b*tt implants? I cannot for the life of me figure out why! Just ask and I'd give them half of mine. Who in the world wants a tush big enough that it requires its own zip code?
I've heard people ask "why me" when something bad happens to them. Well, why not you? Who would you select for something awful to happen to? Perhaps you can weather the trial better than your neighbor. Maybe you'll come out stronger with the trial you've been given. I don't think I've ever said that and if I have it's been a very long time since I uttered those words.
We cannot change the past but we can shape the future.
Brighten the corner where you are and you will lighten the world. Let your light so shine!
Random Thoughts:
Envy is a mistake that keeps on giving. It is not often that I'm envious of someone. Truly. I just feel so blessed that it's hard to be envious. When I do get those thoughts, I remember all that we have instead of all that we don't. Works every time.
Have you read about or seen those women who are having b*tt implants? I cannot for the life of me figure out why! Just ask and I'd give them half of mine. Who in the world wants a tush big enough that it requires its own zip code?
I've heard people ask "why me" when something bad happens to them. Well, why not you? Who would you select for something awful to happen to? Perhaps you can weather the trial better than your neighbor. Maybe you'll come out stronger with the trial you've been given. I don't think I've ever said that and if I have it's been a very long time since I uttered those words.
We cannot change the past but we can shape the future.
Brighten the corner where you are and you will lighten the world. Let your light so shine!
Photos courtesy of tumblr and pinterest.