The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes of Saint Nicholas soon would be there.
Okay, okay, HINT: You need to use your mouse here.
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
About right now everyone—especially little children—are awaiting the night when in a few days the wonder and awe of Christmas will be upon us. I was late in coming up with this idea but it's better late than never. I made these stockings many years ago now to sell but they never did. Trust me, I can't imagine why because they are quite adorable. Just not meant to be I guess. Anyway, I wanted to keep them but I don't need three of them, so I'm giving one away. I love them all equally but one is smaller than the other two so I'm giving that one away. No, it won't be in time for Christmas this year, but what's wrong with having it for next year? In fact, you could absolutely display it all year long. It's a shabby chic, romantic, darling stocking after all. ;-)
Now, as I've said, in my eBay group I've had giveaways but I wanted to challenge them. I didn't want to make it too simple and easy. ;-) So here are the giveaway rules.
1. You must reside in the U.S. It has gotten too risky sending them to other countries. I've lost 3 items in sending them to Peru, France and Canada. I'm truly sorry but I hate to see something get lost as I feel a responsibility to replace it and it had gotten lost twice in going to France. That was an item paid for but I still made good on it. I can't afford to do that anymore.
2. You must be a follower of mine. It's really very simple to just sign up on the sidebar. You can gain many privileges by doing that. :-) You just never know when I'm having a giveaway and I can promise you that you'll never be disappointed in what I'm giving away. Items are being made this very day for future giveaways. It gives me pleasure to do this.
3. You must leave a comment on this post. Now, how much easier can that be, chicks? ;-)
4. There is a secret hidden in this blog post and you have to identify it and tell me what it is. THAT'S a little bit tougher for you, but if you put on your thinking cap you CAN get it. Don't you just love these games?! Hah. I did tell you that I was going to challenge you though, didn't I? Hmmmmm???
The contest will end on Christmas Eve at 7 pm. I'll draw a name at that time. We'll see how many can guess the secret.