The winner of last week's apron is:
I've contacted her and it'll be on its way very soon.
Today is the 4th apron giveaway of the 12 I'm giving away. I want to thank Beverly for having Pink Saturday but also her kind help to me in getting them to bloggers who will love them.

This seems to be the most popular one. Could it be the cupcakes or the black polka dots? I don't know, but several women have emailed me saying they hope they win this particular one.
I've contacted her and it'll be on its way very soon.
Today is the 4th apron giveaway of the 12 I'm giving away. I want to thank Beverly for having Pink Saturday but also her kind help to me in getting them to bloggers who will love them.

This seems to be the most popular one. Could it be the cupcakes or the black polka dots? I don't know, but several women have emailed me saying they hope they win this particular one.

Random Thoughts:
Many, many years ago Love Bunny (hubs for the new viewers) told me 2 things that rocked my world. One is the world does not revolve around me. Now, this might sound silly or even difficult to believe, but I was shocked. I thought of course the world revolved around me. I am the center of the universe. This is not said with narcissism in mind at all. I just truly thought it. See how sheltered I had been up until that time.
The 2nd thing he told me what that not everyone thought as I did. Now, that was almost too much for me to register in my brain. Right is right, right? Well, it took me a long while to get my feeble brain wrapped around that. I finally came to realize as I got out into the world that he was correct in his assessment. As I look at the world today, it sure makes sense now. But back then I really thought everyone thought as I did. See how far I've come in the 50 years I've been married to a very wise man. I'm a great deal wiser now, trust me on this one.
"That's all there is" is usually an excuse for bad behavior. Some people do not believe there is a reason we are here on this earth so they tend to live morally corrupt lives believing there isn't a price to pay sometime down the line. I'm here to tell you "YES, there is." There is a life after this one, and I intend to live as moral and honest as I possibly can. I know there is life eternal. I'm far, far from perfect but I'm striving the best I can. Some people are gifted liars who seem to have never been saddled with a cumbersome moral compass.
I'm a tad sick of the government telling me what foods to eat and trying to limit salt and/or sugar. I can do that perfectly well without their help. We have free agency to eat what we please. And this just might include a Big Mac once or twice a year when the mood strikes me.
Recently, I saw a "How Rich Are You" on a news site advertisement and if you entered your income it would tell you where you ranked in the world wealth. I passed on that one because I didn't want to embarrass myself.
Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors. I hope mine are proud of me. I truly falter sometimes. ;-)
Views overheard in the nursery are always harder to dislodge than those taught in the classroom. Teach your children well, my friends. Don't let others teach them their principles; teach them yours.
Until next time, blogger chicks.