Yep, it's another pink saturday! If you wish to view all the participants go to Beverly's blog and go around blogland to visit each one. I think you'll get a treat visiting with them.
Some close ups of my message boards that I call "memory" boards because it's one of my favorite places to hang the things sent to me by friends or members of my ebay group. The rose with the hanging beads are from Bertie of AuntMaysCottage. You don't want to miss this woman's sales on her website. She makes the most exquisite things with vintage wedding gowns.
The little hand painted ornament was painted by Lorena of RoseChicFriends. I have several of her hand painted items as well as a canvas she painted. Just beautiful! Give her a visit.

Just little tags and cards sent to me when I order something over the internet. They do bring me joy and I'm always surprised at the loveliness and generosity of these women.

This is another creation of Bertie's. She spoils me! But the little valentine heart creation is Rhea's of sweetnshabbyroses. She's been very ill for a couple of years now and isn't creating much these days much to the chagrin of those who have purchased her creations. But I do talk to her from time to time on the phone.

More cards and one little one that looks like an evening gown. Isn't that sweet?! I just loved it and knew immediately where it would go.

More cards and tags. I have the privilege of knowing some of the most talented women on the internet. The little red heart is by Lorena also. The pink string hearts are by Shirl of Shirlsrosecottage. She does the most exquisite silk ribbon embroidery.

Lorena also does clay roses that she makes into little pins as evidenced by the little pin in the bottom center left of this photo.

I thought I'd show you my favorite shirt. Orange is my least favorite color but when it was combined with red, pink and fuchsia in this shirt I couldn't resist. You can't see the front but I "embellished" it with pink pockets and ribbon strings. I need pockets in everything I wear, chicks!

Roses hanging over my bed attached to the canopy of netting.

I'm sure you've seen these paper pompoms before but it's pink saturday and I'm showing them again. They hang in 2 corners of my bedroom.

Random Thoughts:
Idealism becomes exhausting. I much prefer realism.