I've finished with the laundry room. Aren't you glad?!?! Hah. Now, no more saga of the "decorating of the laundry room." In a couple of weeks we get our new solar tube. But the above little clothes pin holder is something I whipped up to "hold my clothes pins!"
Let's talk about going to bed! Hah, that got your attention, huh? I believe preparing for bed should be a ritual. My ritual is taking time to read before going to bed to sort of "key" down. I have to do this. If we go out for an evening, I must read or relax before going to bed. It is essential for me. I then turn down the bed. That in itself is a wonderful little ritual - turn down the covers, fluffing the pillow, turning on my sound machine, taking off my clothing and my watch. Then I brush my teeth. We sleep with a fan on in the warmer months so I make sure it is turned on. Then my hubby reads to me for a few minutes. Then we snuggle and go to sleep. Some of you might like to set out your nightgown or pajamas. Sometimes listening to old music might be something you like to do. I like it very dark when I sleep. Only one little night light in the hallway is on so when I get up for a drink I don't trip over something. But I take pride in being a feminine woman and making our bedroom our own private sanctuary. It is a frou frou-y type room.
Visualize your bedroom and think how you could make it more attractive to you and your hubby. My personal opinion is that kids should not be allowed to sleep in their parents beds. It is a marriage bed and only for husband and wife - your own personal place.