My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pink Saturday 3/18/2011 with Eye Candy and Random Thoughts

Happy Pink Saturday once again, my darling little chicks. To view all the participants, go visit with Beverly by clicking on the logo below:

Truthfully, I composed this today starting at about 1 pm because I've been so busy out spending money and driving Love Bunny simply crazy today buying 2 of these. Well, next time he'll go with me when I'm on a tear, won't he? Hmmmm?! Anyway, we'll soon have LIGHT in our dark living room. Yippee! I can't wait. Buying these was a necessity as our large covered north facing porch lets little light into our living room. Know what I'm saying here? I need light! I shall have light soon. But here you got the best shot and it's leaning it against my absolutely so-filthy-ashamed-to-drive car. Sigh...

So let's continue with Pink Saturday. To tell you the truth I'm sick of posting photos of things around my house, but what else am I going to post since I'm not buying many frivolous things (skylights in the above photo excepted, of course) for our home anymore. So I thought I'd just photograph a few things you've probably seen before and play a thinking game: What comes to mind when I mention certain things?

Lauren Bacall in a slinky dress with her hand holding a cigarette smoldering in her cigarette holder?

Big luscious oranges in a California orange grove?

Watching old 40s movies and listening to the Big Bands of the 40s?

Going on a road trip just for fun and no destination in mind?

The City of Angels where the sun goes down and stars are born?

Tract homes and mini-malls?

The first time you saw a true hero in a movie? I've loved Humphrey Bogart all my life.

Ugliest city you've ever been to?

Running behind a truck spraying fog for insects and loving it?

A movie that you could see without your parents along?

The very first boy that made your heart do flip-flops? Mine was a guy named Leonard. ;-)

Something that simply made you feel good?

Wearing a dress that was elegant and the skirt stuck out so far with crinolines?

Simply walking with your sweetheart holding hands?

You don't have to tell anyone the answers, just think and ponder.