Happy Pink Saturday once again, my darling little chicks. To view all the participants, go visit with Beverly by clicking on the logo below:
Truthfully, I composed this today starting at about 1 pm because I've been so busy out spending money and driving Love Bunny simply crazy today buying 2 of these. Well, next time he'll go with me when I'm on a tear, won't he? Hmmmm?! Anyway, we'll soon have LIGHT in our dark living room. Yippee! I can't wait. Buying these was a necessity as our large covered north facing porch lets little light into our living room. Know what I'm saying here? I need light! I shall have light soon. But here you got the best shot and it's leaning it against my absolutely so-filthy-ashamed-to-drive car. Sigh...

So let's continue with Pink Saturday. To tell you the truth I'm sick of posting photos of things around my house, but what else am I going to post since I'm not buying many frivolous things (skylights in the above photo excepted, of course) for our home anymore. So I thought I'd just photograph a few things you've probably seen before and play a thinking game: What comes to mind when I mention certain things?
Lauren Bacall in a slinky dress with her hand holding a cigarette smoldering in her cigarette holder?