I found these darling little buttons the other day and thought I'd change my jackets and blazers out with these instead of the standard ones that come on them. It makes them unique and no one else in town will have one exactly like it! Not a good shot but these are medium pink background with little red roses painted on them. Really cute!

These are going on a beige blazer. You can't see them very well, but it is a little landscape with trees. Darling buttons!

These are going on a beige blazer. You can't see them very well, but it is a little landscape with trees. Darling buttons!

Love bunny thinks I've gone overboard on making clip-ons, but I thought I'd try this "ruffled" pair. I think I need to shorten the ends though. AND maybe buy a new pink pair of shoes, huh?!?!?! There ya go!!! Another new pair of shoes. I get on a roll and don't know when to stop, chicks.....*Sigh*..........
I like visiting new blogs from time to time when I see something interesting posted by a blogger I have never seen before or a post by a blogger seems particularly interesting. And I read their Profile Page if it is accessible. I come across many that are cute but some seem to stick out in my mind sometimes.
The other day a comment drew me to a blogger and her Profile Page had the ubiquitous question. Hers asked: In the dream where you show up to school naked, why do you never go swimming? Her answer was: What and ruin my hairdo? My kinda woman, chicks, and she is from the south, which answers the question the way most southern women would answer. Other than I'd rather bleed than sweat (uuuuuh, excuse me, I mean "glisten"), I'd rather die than get my DO wet!
If you have an adult child in the 22-24 age range still living at home, you have a deadbeat! Tell him or her to get a life and move out and ON!
Time for some eye candy: I made 7 of these little tissue paper pompoms. They're huge and I plan on hanging them in my office or craft room.

To all bloggers: if you use the labels in your blog then you need to check your spelling because if you misspell a word then they won't find you when looking for that particular label or tag. Let's say you're doing a blog about "creating" and misspell it like "creatting" then they'll never find you. If you are not sure of the spelling or have any doubt at all then look it up or use "spell check" and it is the little abc with a check mark under it just above where you compose your blog post here. Click on that icon and it will highlight in yellow all the words that are misspelled or doesn't recognize as a word. Just for your information, chicks.
Mothers who have all the craft supplies out and ready when kids come home from school are, in my opinion, profoundly disturbed! *Smile*
This is a comment I found on another blog. This is pure and simple an advertisement! While I don't mind at all sending chicks to other blogs if they ask me to and it's not an advertisement, I do have a problem with "scammers and spammers" who try to post on my blog by posting something like this. I've obliterated this man's name and blog, which is a "business type of blog" and is done only to draw business to their blog. I didn't want to embarrass him by showing his name so left just enough to let you see what I'm talking about. I, also, got one recently for steel buildings and I'm now getting emails from this business! I'm not too keen on that. You can also tell they come from a foreign country by the use of their language - english is NOT their native language. BUT I can block anyone I don't want from my email with my Mac Mail with a rule. I don't receive any emails I don't want to receive at all now. Bottom line here: moderate your comments OR at least check them every once in a while to see that there are no "advertisements" in the form of comments because the gambling, p**no people use these a LOT to draw people to their site. And trust me, you don't want that! That is if you don't want them; if you don't care, they forget all of the above. ;-)

When my daughter and granddaughter were here recently we watched a DVD on the tv that is still in that box and covered with a "cover" I made to disguise the box and the tv. Remember, we do NOT watch television at all. So I am so used to years ago when we actually did watch tv and "tapes." Well, when it ended I said to "rewind" it and everyone looked at me and just guffawed at my faux pas. Hey, it's been 25 years since we watched television! What do I know?!
The heart is strange terrain sometimes.
What my friend and I did last weekend. ;-) I'm the prettier one!!! *Laughing*....

I try to lead a holy life and a spiritual life. It's not hard to do but I'm human and sometimes fall off the carousel.
I made these little place mats from leftover fleece. Used pinking shears and cut them 14"x20" and they're perfect for using daily over my white table cloth to catch the spills from drinks and food. However, do NOT wash them with a load of fluffy white towels. Note the "fluff" I've been picking off now!

I enjoy surfing the blogs everyday or just about every day and I find soooo many wonderful women who are creative and kind and resourceful. I sometimes just click on the names of women who have left a comment where I'm leaving one and voilà, a new blogger has caught my eye and I love it! It's just marvelous to me.
Looking at some pictures in a popular magazine my daughter bought for reading on the airplane recently I noticed something. Our young women are trying to look s*xy beyond their years. What ever happened with sweet and innocent? Hmmmm??? I love the fresh look of clean skin and a sweet smile instead of those "here's kissin' ya" look they all try to come up with now. What has happened to our young people?