My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Greenhurst Nursery #9

We'll still be looking at some halloween stuff here. Hey, it takes a long time to go through all the pictures, edit them and make up a blog post, ya know, so just sit back and enjoy! It's gonna get to some really special stuff soon, chicks. :-)

Look at these gorgeous bulbs. I've truly never seen so many different kinds of bulbs anywhere in one place. I'm sure there are Christmas stores but none around here.

Does this say it all or what?!?!?! CHOCOLATE.......yeaaaaahhhhhhhh!!

Candy and truffles. My absolutely fav candy - TRUFFLES.

Huge cookies, too........

Another scrumptious display during the transitional period in the store.

Strawberry door mats.

A "witchy" cake or cupcake plate! Cute.....

I never knew they had "halloween" bulbs for Christmas! I guess if your fav color is orange then these are for YOU.

If course, who in the world could pass up these pink and brown stripe boxes.

I kinda like the orange, pink and purple together. I could deal with that one for a time. Orange is my least fav color though.

Okay, till next time.................... SMILE cuz I love ya chicks!! ;-)