Happy Pink Saturday and congratulations to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound for hosting it for two years now. It's the 2nd anniversary of PS. I wish to thank you profusely, Beverly, for taking on this enormous task.
I visited with Tracy of Honeysuckle and HissyFits and LV of Livinatmemescorner.
Also I want to encourage you all to visit this blog post about the new Collection of Romantic/Lifestyle Blogs I've just started. It's all about getting the word out. Visit it and read it very carefully and join if you wish.
Okay, okay, I've been extremely busy with life, but I did want to participate because of the 2nd anniversary. So, I just thought I'd share more photos of one of my favorite artist's paintings. Aren't they romantic and serene and wonderful? How could you NOT be enchanted with these hanging on your walls?
I visited with Tracy of Honeysuckle and HissyFits and LV of Livinatmemescorner.
Also I want to encourage you all to visit this blog post about the new Collection of Romantic/Lifestyle Blogs I've just started. It's all about getting the word out. Visit it and read it very carefully and join if you wish.
Okay, okay, I've been extremely busy with life, but I did want to participate because of the 2nd anniversary. So, I just thought I'd share more photos of one of my favorite artist's paintings. Aren't they romantic and serene and wonderful? How could you NOT be enchanted with these hanging on your walls?

Oh, all right, let's see some more pretty photos I've collected over the years.
Back in the 80s when I saw this I made a topiary like this one out of dried roses so it would keep forever. I don't have it now and have no idea what I did with it. It probably got lost in our moves.

Just a sweet little cottage kitchen a man who lives here renovated. See, men DO like romantic settings also.

I have always and will continue to always love checks—the large ones!

When I saw this chair I thought I just might pass out! Another brave woman who loves pink. ;-0

This chair is the one that inspired me to get the one similar to it that is in my living room. I absolutely love this one with its red color against a yellow background. As I've said before, pink and/or red is my favorite color combination—mostly pink, but this is beautiful.

A little antiques shop in San Francisco. Sqeeeeeeeeal, look at that little lamp and that bureau. Ooooohmy!

Isn't it outstanding?

And again, happy anniversary to Beverly! Great job handling all of us. ;-)