Random Thoughts:
I recently read a novel where the grandma said, "I love corn but it gives me flatulence. I used to care but I'm not obliged to anymore. The golden years rock!" My kinda woman. Who cares when we reach the age where more important things take precedent?
Love Bunny and I were standing at our bathroom sink recently attending to our morning ablutions. I was putting on the new wrinkle cream, Boots No.7.
She: Look at this wrinkle.
He:Which one?
Need I say more? Not a good way to start my day!
During Valentines day I was going around the blogs and noticed many were posting on their blog a valentine greeting to their loved one. Why do we say happy valentines day to our hubbies on the blogs when they never read them? Love Bunny never reads mine. Curious.
Along about the same time, hubs was making cocktail sauce for some shrimp we were having for dinner—just shrimp and coleslaw. I love shrimp for dinner—any way I can get it: panko breaded, plain with cocktail sauce or tartar sauce. But this night he was making the sauce. Well, I came into the kitchen and it looked like he had had an explosion. He upended the bottle, lost control of it and it landed in the bowl of cocktail sauce and sent it all over the kitchen. Looked like an explosion in a catsup factory! Now you know why I allow him in the kitchen so rarely. :-)
Recently I went to a friend's house about an hour away for dinner. I was eating some lettuce and started to choke. It just would not go down and I was really having a difficult time. Quietly got up, went around the corner to their bathroom, threw up (absolutely knowing I was being heard), went back to table and ate. Smiling. The best way to do some things is to just ignore they happened. ;-)
Bumper sticker on a car I was driving behind lately: Save your ta tas. Aptly put for a Breast Cancer Awareness sticker, huh? I thought it was cute.