For me it's all about "nesting." Staying home and cocooning with my hubby. It hasn't always been so to the degree that it is now. For many years I worked outside of the home and my nights and weekends were very sacred to me. But, actually, monday night was my most favorite night of the week to me. No, we didn't watch sports but it just seemed the nicest night of the week for me.
But now as we grow older it is nice to not have to go anywhere if we don't want to. Our church sets aside monday nights for the family and sundays after church for families also. They encourage us to spend as much time with our families as possible because of the busyness of the world.
Several months ago I did a giveaway of some hanging wood elements that said this. I loved those letters but I made another set for our family room. Truthfully, I meant to get the letters H, O, M and E but I forgot when I picked these out. When I got home I decided to keep them and do them in the same fabrics I did them in back then. I cannot seem to find the post on which I gave these away and they're not exactly the same trim but the fabric is.
These will not be given away, but will go either in my living room or my office. I haven't decided yet, but I do know they are mine!
But now as we grow older it is nice to not have to go anywhere if we don't want to. Our church sets aside monday nights for the family and sundays after church for families also. They encourage us to spend as much time with our families as possible because of the busyness of the world.
Several months ago I did a giveaway of some hanging wood elements that said this. I loved those letters but I made another set for our family room. Truthfully, I meant to get the letters H, O, M and E but I forgot when I picked these out. When I got home I decided to keep them and do them in the same fabrics I did them in back then. I cannot seem to find the post on which I gave these away and they're not exactly the same trim but the fabric is.
These will not be given away, but will go either in my living room or my office. I haven't decided yet, but I do know they are mine!

Random Thoughts:
Evil most definitely exists in this world. I've seen it in some people. No, it isn't associated with mental disorders; evil needs no help. It exists just fine by itself. We are all born with the light of Christ, but some people choose evil. Yes, they choose evil! I see it today among many popular persons, and it astounds me how much evil can exist to the extent it does in the world today.
A couple of weeks ago while getting ready for bed, Love Bunny started laughing out loud when he took the pillows off his side of the bed. I asked him what was so funny and he said that I had moved the chair he usually puts the pillows on and all of a sudden it was back that night and he wondered where it came from in just a couple of days. He got me to laughing hard also, but I told him things change around a lot in this house. He should be used to it by now, right?
I saw on the news where that Dutch man killed that young woman in Peru and if found guilty he can get UP TO 35 years in prison. UP TO??!! Where is the sanctity of life? He should be in prison for LIFE for killing an innocent woman. I was astounded.
Scenery isn't particularly interesting to other bloggers when I post it. Oooh, there might be a house or a garden but just plain old scenery? Nahhh. So I don't show it too much. I had hundreds of photos in my collection of places we'd been and it all sort of ran together after a while so I threw them out. After all, when you've seen a mountain, beach, lake or field, that's pretty much it. I don't want to stare at them in photos anymore.
Sometimes people don't know how to take me. I'm cheery, upbeat, humorous and just about always smiling. Why? Because I'm a happy person. (Yes, I do have MY days, but all-in-all I'm happy!) It seems as though they think I'm weird or nuts, but I'm not. I'm much rather be on the bright side than gloomy. I want to water the world with Hope. I think I do, but I refuse to be gloomy on a regular basis as some people are.
When I say I let it all hang out that usually means I'm not wearing a bra.