Thank you to Beverly of howsweetthesound for having Pink Saturday. Please go visit the others for a delightful display of pink! And Happy Pink Saturday to all of you.
This guest bathroom needed something while waiting for the painter to give it its coat of pink paint. I saw this idea over on Myrna's blog the other day and thought I'd try it. Her bathroom is lovelier than mine but it looks a bit better until I can get around to fluffing it up a bit more. I simply took a long scarf, tied it in certain places with pink ribbon and foofed up the bundle of fabric and made a rosette out of each one. Then I put that vintage doily on it because I've been trying to figure out what in the world to do with it! After it's painted pink I'll add some paper roses and more snippets of lace to it I think.
This guest bathroom needed something while waiting for the painter to give it its coat of pink paint. I saw this idea over on Myrna's blog the other day and thought I'd try it. Her bathroom is lovelier than mine but it looks a bit better until I can get around to fluffing it up a bit more. I simply took a long scarf, tied it in certain places with pink ribbon and foofed up the bundle of fabric and made a rosette out of each one. Then I put that vintage doily on it because I've been trying to figure out what in the world to do with it! After it's painted pink I'll add some paper roses and more snippets of lace to it I think.