My blogging friends, you really don't want to miss the posts this week. I'm going to definitely show the Pink, White and Roses Christmas Tree. Squeeeeeeal. I promise you glitz, bling, pizzazz and all that stuff. You know what I mean. It really did turn out darling.
Have I got your attention yet? I don't mean to sound crude, but I do mean primp your cans. I had this one left over after we finished the cocoa mix inside, so I couldn't throw away a perfectly good tin can, could I? Nuuuuuu, so after spray painting it white, I primped it up with some decals, rick rack, ribbon roses and ribbon. You can do this also. I've just described the drill to you so go get busy and then put your kitchen utensils in it as I'm going to do with this one. Or your brushes. ;-)

Have I got your attention yet? I don't mean to sound crude, but I do mean primp your cans. I had this one left over after we finished the cocoa mix inside, so I couldn't throw away a perfectly good tin can, could I? Nuuuuuu, so after spray painting it white, I primped it up with some decals, rick rack, ribbon roses and ribbon. You can do this also. I've just described the drill to you so go get busy and then put your kitchen utensils in it as I'm going to do with this one. Or your brushes. ;-)