First of all, read down for the giveaway to be drawn saturday morning!!!!
Look what came in the mail today! A little roses vanity tray. Isn't it beautiful? I think I'll put my hand creams and lotions on it. I have a plethora of lotions and creams!
Look what came in the mail today! A little roses vanity tray. Isn't it beautiful? I think I'll put my hand creams and lotions on it. I have a plethora of lotions and creams!

My sweet chicks, I'm shameless! Yesssssss, shameless to show you the condition I've let this abode decline to in the past year! I'm showing you photos of it today but tomorrow - or maybe tonight - I'm delving in and cleaning under those bathroom sinks. I can't find a thing under there. I don't see how I can frou-frou them up but I can at least straighten them up.'s a wonder hubby is still with me. This is a man who "spit shines" the bathroom fixtures for me. Yes, "spit shines"! That is a holdover from his Marine Corps days. I can't paint under there but I'll think of something to frou-frou it up..........I hope!
Anyway, I'll definitely get right on it. I have already put the clothes seen on the floor in the last photo in a box for Deseret Industries thrift shop. The sandals I've had for 25 years and are falling apart are now in the trash bin also. When I can't find my makeup it's time to "clean"!
Oh, and what does that first picture of lettuce have to do with anything??? Absolutely nothing. I just found it so green and gorgeous when I was washing it to have for dinner tonight that I had to share. Is there anything prettier than red leaf lettuce?
Anyway, I'll definitely get right on it. I have already put the clothes seen on the floor in the last photo in a box for Deseret Industries thrift shop. The sandals I've had for 25 years and are falling apart are now in the trash bin also. When I can't find my makeup it's time to "clean"!
Oh, and what does that first picture of lettuce have to do with anything??? Absolutely nothing. I just found it so green and gorgeous when I was washing it to have for dinner tonight that I had to share. Is there anything prettier than red leaf lettuce?