Again, forgive me but Caroline loves dancing and, as her great grandmother, I love sharing a few funny things about her with y'all. Ballet to her is putting a leg in front of her with her toes pointed as you'll see in this video. She's done it better, but she is distracted from it by watching herself in the mirror, which is the only way our granddaughter can get her to stop grabbing for the camera. See:

Her usual cute face:

Caroline doing Ballet and Hip Hop! She has started this sniffing thing recently and sniffs everything and then puts her finger on her nose if it stinks to her and which you'll see towards the end of this video, the sniffing not the finger to her nose in this one. Weird kid I know but then she's in this family so what can I say? ;-)
Just a few Random Thoughts today:
I actually do visit some blogs; it's just I don't have much time to leave comments for a lot of them. I've seeing the profiles of a few and noticed that a lot of women are putting in their profile about books they like—the classic books. Now, I wonder if they just put that on there to sound—oh forgive me for lack of a better word and I truly don't mean this to sound like it is going to sound but highbrow. I don't like the classics at all. Give me a good trashy murder mystery or action packed thriller and I'm lovin' it. I truly don't like the old love stories. I'm asking: what do they really like about them? I read them in high school and college but found them truly boring.
If you are not married to the guy, the answer should be NO and you know what I'm talking about. If he truly loves you, he won't ask and he would ask you to marry him. First hand knowledge here! :-)
Another 24 and Jack Bauer comment: He once saved the world with duct tape. This is true.
Every day I'm able to stir up endless possibilities in my paranoia pot that is forever boiling on my mental stove.
Mormon girls serve casseroles...this comment will be explained in a later post!

Her usual cute face:

Caroline doing Ballet and Hip Hop! She has started this sniffing thing recently and sniffs everything and then puts her finger on her nose if it stinks to her and which you'll see towards the end of this video, the sniffing not the finger to her nose in this one. Weird kid I know but then she's in this family so what can I say? ;-)
Just a few Random Thoughts today:
I actually do visit some blogs; it's just I don't have much time to leave comments for a lot of them. I've seeing the profiles of a few and noticed that a lot of women are putting in their profile about books they like—the classic books. Now, I wonder if they just put that on there to sound—oh forgive me for lack of a better word and I truly don't mean this to sound like it is going to sound but highbrow. I don't like the classics at all. Give me a good trashy murder mystery or action packed thriller and I'm lovin' it. I truly don't like the old love stories. I'm asking: what do they really like about them? I read them in high school and college but found them truly boring.
If you are not married to the guy, the answer should be NO and you know what I'm talking about. If he truly loves you, he won't ask and he would ask you to marry him. First hand knowledge here! :-)
Another 24 and Jack Bauer comment: He once saved the world with duct tape. This is true.
Every day I'm able to stir up endless possibilities in my paranoia pot that is forever boiling on my mental stove.
Mormon girls serve casseroles...this comment will be explained in a later post!