You all know by now that nothing is simple around this household, right????? Okay, then let's recount today's adventures or MISadventures and I swear to you this was not planned.
First of all, I showered and did my hair without frying my hair dryer today. Yep, I got my "DO" done fine as evidenced by the "striking one hot chick" photo below. Okay, okay, so I ain't a movie star; get used to it.

I then got in the car to go to Goodwill and show off s*xy hairdo. (I said forget it!) Anyhow, as I pull the Sequoia out of the garage (we all KNOW hubs parks waaaaay too close to the edge of the door anyway, don't we?) I hear the right side mirror scraping along the door. Okay, so today it wasn't the hair dryer, it was hubs' car mirror. Toast! Mirror was hanging out of the surround of the mirror. He took the Camry today because it's cheaper on gas, which prices are rising as I type! So I drive over and did the shopping at Goodwill and on the way back I stop at our mechanic's shop and after 3 men look at the mirror, the manager said it couldn't be fixed and that we'd have to get a new one. I wanted it fixed before Love Bunny got home tonight. They wrapped masking tape around it as IF hubs wouldn't see it. So the new one was ordered to the tune of $330.00 and lucky meeeeeee I wouldn't have to paint it blue so that would save me money. Riiiiiight.
Now, let me say here that our mechanic has taken care of our cars superbly since we moved her 4 years ago and is truly reliable but $330.00 for a side mirror?!?! I got home and thought about the expenditure and decided to call them back and tell them to hold off on ordering it as that much money demanded that I confess to hubs and counsel with him on the matter.
Then I thought of the auto body shop that has also taken care of 3 accidents that hubs was involved in while living here. (Not all his fault however.) You know you're in trouble when they recognize your name at auto body shop and come running out when the receptionist tells them it's YOU. I've never been inside of it but hubs has. The man asked if we sold the Montero and I explained we had indeed sold it and now have the Sequoia.
He looked at my "s*xy" hairdo and lush mascara-ed eyelashes and said he'd look at it. (I'm sure that's it, chicks! Don't burst my bubble.) After looking at it he said he thought it could be glued at the one point and the other "contact" points looked fine. He took the car around back, glued it with Q-glue or something like that (told me that tiny little bottle runs about $100.00 a bottle!), rubbed compound into the surround and then came in and handed me the keys and said words that were music to my ears: "No charge"!!! I swooned and insisted I pay him something but I definitely got the feeling that he thought we'd be back soon as our track record has given him the clue. But here it looks as good as new instead of hanging out the little covering.

Just a tad bit of white to give me away but I'll definitely tell hubs about this tonight—especially since it didn't cost me a penny. I'm baking them a cake or cookies to take over soon though.

Now, let's get on with the shopping. Brand new set of 10 lantern string lights for $3.99!! Score!!!!!!!!
First of all, I showered and did my hair without frying my hair dryer today. Yep, I got my "DO" done fine as evidenced by the "striking one hot chick" photo below. Okay, okay, so I ain't a movie star; get used to it.

I then got in the car to go to Goodwill and show off s*xy hairdo. (I said forget it!) Anyhow, as I pull the Sequoia out of the garage (we all KNOW hubs parks waaaaay too close to the edge of the door anyway, don't we?) I hear the right side mirror scraping along the door. Okay, so today it wasn't the hair dryer, it was hubs' car mirror. Toast! Mirror was hanging out of the surround of the mirror. He took the Camry today because it's cheaper on gas, which prices are rising as I type! So I drive over and did the shopping at Goodwill and on the way back I stop at our mechanic's shop and after 3 men look at the mirror, the manager said it couldn't be fixed and that we'd have to get a new one. I wanted it fixed before Love Bunny got home tonight. They wrapped masking tape around it as IF hubs wouldn't see it. So the new one was ordered to the tune of $330.00 and lucky meeeeeee I wouldn't have to paint it blue so that would save me money. Riiiiiight.
Now, let me say here that our mechanic has taken care of our cars superbly since we moved her 4 years ago and is truly reliable but $330.00 for a side mirror?!?! I got home and thought about the expenditure and decided to call them back and tell them to hold off on ordering it as that much money demanded that I confess to hubs and counsel with him on the matter.
Then I thought of the auto body shop that has also taken care of 3 accidents that hubs was involved in while living here. (Not all his fault however.) You know you're in trouble when they recognize your name at auto body shop and come running out when the receptionist tells them it's YOU. I've never been inside of it but hubs has. The man asked if we sold the Montero and I explained we had indeed sold it and now have the Sequoia.
He looked at my "s*xy" hairdo and lush mascara-ed eyelashes and said he'd look at it. (I'm sure that's it, chicks! Don't burst my bubble.) After looking at it he said he thought it could be glued at the one point and the other "contact" points looked fine. He took the car around back, glued it with Q-glue or something like that (told me that tiny little bottle runs about $100.00 a bottle!), rubbed compound into the surround and then came in and handed me the keys and said words that were music to my ears: "No charge"!!! I swooned and insisted I pay him something but I definitely got the feeling that he thought we'd be back soon as our track record has given him the clue. But here it looks as good as new instead of hanging out the little covering.

Just a tad bit of white to give me away but I'll definitely tell hubs about this tonight—especially since it didn't cost me a penny. I'm baking them a cake or cookies to take over soon though.

Now, let's get on with the shopping. Brand new set of 10 lantern string lights for $3.99!! Score!!!!!!!!

And lastly, this darling candy apple red ladder that I'm also painting pink for $3.99. It's about 40" high. Quadruple score!!!!

Since I had no traumatic events this evening I went ahead and painted these 2 pieces while waiting for hubs to get home to grill our burgers. Quite different if I do say so. Now to tackle the ladder tomorrow if it isn't windy as our back yard has PINK on some of the blades of grass now. *Wink*