The winner of the giveaway for Cansolidator food storage shelves is:
Cat Nap Inn Primitives
Congratulations, honey!! Now get to working on that food storage.
I have this white linen jacket that I changed the buttons on but I thought it needed something else. I used this vintage rayon ribbon that I purchased recently to sew on to the lapels. It's a creamy white and it's dirty but you get the idea. I love froufrou-ing up my clothing and all I did was take the ribbon and just twisted and tacked it on. Easy. Try it.
Cat Nap Inn Primitives
Congratulations, honey!! Now get to working on that food storage.
I have this white linen jacket that I changed the buttons on but I thought it needed something else. I used this vintage rayon ribbon that I purchased recently to sew on to the lapels. It's a creamy white and it's dirty but you get the idea. I love froufrou-ing up my clothing and all I did was take the ribbon and just twisted and tacked it on. Easy. Try it.