I've been lax in posting some awards I've received, but I do schedule my posts out for weeks at a time. That actually gives me more time to do the things I want to do like craft and read and decorate if I can sit and just do several posts at a time and then schedule them out for weeks. So today I'm catching up. However, just a tease. I'm working on this below. I'll see how it turns out when I "clean it up" and actually do what I want to make with it. Stay tuned, chicks. :-)

This award is from Pat over at The Urban Chic in Louisiana cajun country. I posted a tribute to the great people of Louisiana many months ago and if you haven't read it go here to do so. I have not yet read a blog that I didn't think was creative and cannot pick out any one blog that is better than the others. So if you are reading this then grab it and put it on your blog. We are all creative, just in different ways. I love every single blog I see. So don't be shy because I couldn't possibly pick just one or 5 or 10; I'm picking every single blog to give this award to. And I'm very serious. We each have different talents we bring to blogs, some are visual and some are in the simple reading of the blog and the emotions it puts into our hearts. But they are all wonderfully Kreativ people. So snag it and go with it, chicks. And thank you PJ.....

Ann at Lifeatannsplace just notified me the award came from her. Thank you, Ann. I apologize again. I usually make a folder and put the awards in there until I can get to them, but something failed me that time I guess. You are so kind to award it to me and to let me know it was from you. Again, thanks, sweetpea. It's a hug award for being able to say the right thing at the right time. I wish I was really able to do it. I soooooo mess up frequently and open my big mouth when I shouldn't. I'm incorrigible, chicks....*Sigh*........
I'm ashamed to admit this but I've forgotten who gave me this one. I do apologize but I get so many things on this computer and occasionally I have a lapse of memory for my age (sometimes referred to as alzheimers, but we won't go there now, will we?!) and it just creeps in one ear and blows out the other ear. *Sigh*........ However, if you read this and are the one please let me know and I'll acknowledge you in a flash!

This award was given to my by Stephanie, my sister in heart, mind and spirit. I've known Steph for about 6 years now from when I started buying fabrics from her and she joined an ebay group I started later on. She's a sweetie and has the most wonderful mum, who is a true southern belle from the state of Texas. A kind and beautiful woman - both of them, I mean!
Again, I've never read a post on here I didn't love and gain some fraction of new knowledge or that hasn't touched my heart. So snag this award, chicks, post it and refer back to the person who you snagged it from - ME!! - and go for it. Give 'em attitude and gratitude for just bringing something special to you each day......uhhhhhh, that's if I DO, of course. DUH........ But I love so many blogs and surf each and everyday for new ones I've never seen and have met some of the absolutely friendliest and sweetest chicks ever on here.