Happy Pink Saturday to all of you. To view the other participants, please click on Beverly's logo below and you can see all the pinkness your eyes can stand!

The story began yesterday when hubs was out of town for the day and I got the bug to "fluff up" again. It wasn't so much "fluff up" as it was clearing space on the walls. I wanted more of the pink walls to show through to give the eye a rest. I'd been thinking about this for a long time. (Okay, you know where this is leading, right? More stuff to get rid of of course!) I put one of the pictures out in the garage for hubs to put in the garbage but he thought it should go to Goodwill or D.I. I hadn't thought of it but he was right. Someone else might love having it. Plus we'll get the tax deduction.
I love this limited edition print, which is my favorite one, so it went back into the family room. Originally, I worried about the southern sun coming in and deteriorating it but if I can't enjoy it where I want then why have it? I moved a little footstool next to a big one for my family's or guest's comfort. The big one can be used as a table for snacks also.

The story began yesterday when hubs was out of town for the day and I got the bug to "fluff up" again. It wasn't so much "fluff up" as it was clearing space on the walls. I wanted more of the pink walls to show through to give the eye a rest. I'd been thinking about this for a long time. (Okay, you know where this is leading, right? More stuff to get rid of of course!) I put one of the pictures out in the garage for hubs to put in the garbage but he thought it should go to Goodwill or D.I. I hadn't thought of it but he was right. Someone else might love having it. Plus we'll get the tax deduction.
I love this limited edition print, which is my favorite one, so it went back into the family room. Originally, I worried about the southern sun coming in and deteriorating it but if I can't enjoy it where I want then why have it? I moved a little footstool next to a big one for my family's or guest's comfort. The big one can be used as a table for snacks also.

All the artwork came off the wall and is now on the floor to the right of the sofa awaiting my decision on what to do with it as you can see partially in this photo and in the one above. Sell, give it to charity or keep? I don't know yet. Big sigh. That bookcase on the left is going into my office as soon as I get rid of another old bookcase in there. Hubs likes this one better than the gold wrought iron one in there now and it's at least 35 years old. Craigslist? Probably.

So here is the living room so far. More tweaking will be required as I want to get rid of some of the birdhouses or find another use for them somewhere else.

Next week the new solar tubes go in so I can get the lighting on this room better. I can hardly wait!

Yep, a stack on old magazines I plan on giving to a friend and then selling some of the very old ones on ebay.

The coffee table sits with much I have taken off the sofa table on the wall and will determine what to do with it at a later date. My mind is frazzled at this point.

These little blocks I bought a few years ago, painted and decaled and put up there. Just needed something above the archway and I didn't want something that might fall off on someone's head—namely mine.

Something's missing from my "C" but I have no clue where it went. You'd have thought it would be on the floor somewhere but I haven't found it yet. The little cottage sign just changed its place on that wall by a few feet.

Another view of the wall. I put my original wedding bouquet (filled in with paper roses) on the wall and a little shelf from the family room was brought in to this wall to hold our wedding cake toppers. They are the originals from the 2 receptions we had so that'd make them 50 years old. I'd say that's vintage, wouldn't you?