My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A "Rosey" Happy Fathers Day to All Men!

One more thing. I remember a poem on this father's day that I heard many years ago and I just cry and SOB every time I hear it again. Click to go there and read it from June of last year: Poem

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers, grandfathers and future fathers. You're gonna love it, sweet men!

Okay, I finished 6 little faux cupcakes yesterday and the day before. Hubby kept wondering what was keeping me so busy! But I just love cute for "eye candy" and we ALL know how I feel about "eye candy"!! And these I scented with Crabtree & Evelyn oil of roses and do they smell luscious, I tell ya.....uh huh!!! You should smell this house. I can only get her oils when I go to Seattle to visit with "gorgeous granddaughter" aka GGD or back to California to visit with daughter and son. So I hoard it passionately! Hah

Oooooh and my Apple Mighty Mouse is working again! Dilemma solved. Now, as Ronda says, I can keep my $50 and spend it on yard sale finds or more roses of some sort for this house. Definitely my kinda chick!!