Boy, does this body ache! My bottom and legs just about killed me last night but I finished what I wanted to. My daughter and I were skyping last night and laughing our heads off about taking pictures of the finished cabinets and closets. We were coming up with different things I could do to make them pretty. I suggested covering the drain pipes in pretty pink ribbons and bows. She suggested I hang a picture on the back or sides. We just got to giggling so bad we could hardly talk. But frankly, I'm too pooped to do anything else. Maybe in a week or two I'll do the other bathroom but it isn't nearly as bad as our master bath.
But I ask you: just how many burn lotions/gels, tubes of Ben-gay, NAIL FILES(!), callous pads, bunion pads (we don't even have bunions!), shoe stretch, Tucks(!), bottles of mouthwash, visine, elastic bandages for just about ANY body part, firming lotions, gauze saved from hospital visits and hydrogen peroxide can one household have??!!?!?! These aren't even things we use a lot. AND toothpaste which we use a LOT??? Only 3 tubes!!! I found a tube of neosporin that expired 8 years ago!! I guess it just got thrown in a box when we moved 3 years ago. Sheeeesh.......... I also found this little tin of Excedrin that I can use in my purse. (I'm not sure they sell these little tins anymore and I loved them for pills in my purses.)
The shoes in the closet are now in the garbage or taken to a thrift store. There are still boxes and boxes of shoes up in the attic over the garage that I have to deal with but not any time soon, trust me. Some of the shoes hadn't even been worn but I can't get my foot in them any more since the foot surgery. Never ever let a doctor cut on your feet, chickadees!!!!
Has anyone noticed that I have a "favicon" - pronounced fav-eye-con - up in the URL of my blog. It's a little rose I painted when I first started painting roses and got a wonderful lady to help me with it. I was having such a hard time getting it to work but it's working NOW! It won't show in all browsers so you might still see the little "e" up there, but if you do see it, drop me a line and let me know.
But I ask you: just how many burn lotions/gels, tubes of Ben-gay, NAIL FILES(!), callous pads, bunion pads (we don't even have bunions!), shoe stretch, Tucks(!), bottles of mouthwash, visine, elastic bandages for just about ANY body part, firming lotions, gauze saved from hospital visits and hydrogen peroxide can one household have??!!?!?! These aren't even things we use a lot. AND toothpaste which we use a LOT??? Only 3 tubes!!! I found a tube of neosporin that expired 8 years ago!! I guess it just got thrown in a box when we moved 3 years ago. Sheeeesh.......... I also found this little tin of Excedrin that I can use in my purse. (I'm not sure they sell these little tins anymore and I loved them for pills in my purses.)
The shoes in the closet are now in the garbage or taken to a thrift store. There are still boxes and boxes of shoes up in the attic over the garage that I have to deal with but not any time soon, trust me. Some of the shoes hadn't even been worn but I can't get my foot in them any more since the foot surgery. Never ever let a doctor cut on your feet, chickadees!!!!
Has anyone noticed that I have a "favicon" - pronounced fav-eye-con - up in the URL of my blog. It's a little rose I painted when I first started painting roses and got a wonderful lady to help me with it. I was having such a hard time getting it to work but it's working NOW! It won't show in all browsers so you might still see the little "e" up there, but if you do see it, drop me a line and let me know.