In a recent post I stated something about blogs that have all the favorites of the blogger on the sidebar and some go on forever. Well, after that, I saw one that actually went on for hundreds of favorites. I can't remember whose it was and wouldn't say even if I could so as not to embarrass her or him. I don't think I've ever seen so many. I think it was on their Profile page though. My goodness, that blogger had a lot.
Anyway, I received an email from someone saying that is how she can keep up with all of them and when they're been updated. It didn't occur to me that some of you didn't know the alternatives to have a Blog List on Google Reader. Yes!! You don't have to have them all on your sidebar. I actually prefer Google Reader. Anyway, I'm showing you how you can do it without having your scroll bar so tiny you can barely see it when you have so many things on your sidebar. I'm not meaning to embarrass anyone or be mean but just to show you there are alternatives.
I've done a screenshot of my desktop to show you how I view all my favorites. There could be many more as I do hop around but I've had to limit it to just a few who inspire me, whether creatively, emotionally or spiritually. I've also Photoshopped the screenshot so as to not make anyone feel bad if they're not on it. Plus, I like privacy. Yes, I know that's hard to believe with some of the things I post on here but there are certain privacy issues of which I prefer to adhere. Having been burglarized twice in California (once even walking in on them and being threatened with a screwdriver) and having once been burglarized here in Idaho. Actually, I don't think I've ever mention Love Bunny's name on here, but I do so in emails to people. It's all about privacy.
So, google Google Reader and create your own page and start putting your subscriptions in there. It will take a while if you have a few hundred but it's well worth the effort in my opinion. And, please, pass the word around. You may use my screenshots if you'd like. Just drag them to your desktop. (Mine looks a bit different because I'm on Apple Macs.) Or send your friends to this post. I'll also put it in my tutorial up at the top so it will be visible to anyone. That tutorial up at the top gives you a plethora of blogging tips on how to do a blog. If you haven't looked at it, I suggest you do. It can answer a lot of questions for you. It's a good tutorial I did in 2009. In fact, you might like looking at all of the "Pages" up at the topl
Oh, and those in the top left corner are ones that Google "advertises" and you could be in there for other people to see also. Those aren't ones I necessarily subscribe to.
Also, you can "view" each blog in the area to the right without actually going in there if you prefer. It'll give you a heads-up on the post for that day to see if you're interested in perusing the whole post. Saves a lot of time in my opinion.

Anyway, I received an email from someone saying that is how she can keep up with all of them and when they're been updated. It didn't occur to me that some of you didn't know the alternatives to have a Blog List on Google Reader. Yes!! You don't have to have them all on your sidebar. I actually prefer Google Reader. Anyway, I'm showing you how you can do it without having your scroll bar so tiny you can barely see it when you have so many things on your sidebar. I'm not meaning to embarrass anyone or be mean but just to show you there are alternatives.
I've done a screenshot of my desktop to show you how I view all my favorites. There could be many more as I do hop around but I've had to limit it to just a few who inspire me, whether creatively, emotionally or spiritually. I've also Photoshopped the screenshot so as to not make anyone feel bad if they're not on it. Plus, I like privacy. Yes, I know that's hard to believe with some of the things I post on here but there are certain privacy issues of which I prefer to adhere. Having been burglarized twice in California (once even walking in on them and being threatened with a screwdriver) and having once been burglarized here in Idaho. Actually, I don't think I've ever mention Love Bunny's name on here, but I do so in emails to people. It's all about privacy.
So, google Google Reader and create your own page and start putting your subscriptions in there. It will take a while if you have a few hundred but it's well worth the effort in my opinion. And, please, pass the word around. You may use my screenshots if you'd like. Just drag them to your desktop. (Mine looks a bit different because I'm on Apple Macs.) Or send your friends to this post. I'll also put it in my tutorial up at the top so it will be visible to anyone. That tutorial up at the top gives you a plethora of blogging tips on how to do a blog. If you haven't looked at it, I suggest you do. It can answer a lot of questions for you. It's a good tutorial I did in 2009. In fact, you might like looking at all of the "Pages" up at the topl
Oh, and those in the top left corner are ones that Google "advertises" and you could be in there for other people to see also. Those aren't ones I necessarily subscribe to.
Also, you can "view" each blog in the area to the right without actually going in there if you prefer. It'll give you a heads-up on the post for that day to see if you're interested in perusing the whole post. Saves a lot of time in my opinion.
