I just thought that first of all I'd share what I did yesterday with some jars of olives and marshmallow creme when we finished with them. Easy to do and you have an endless supply of jars from which to choose, my sweet chickees! I have the old salt and pepper shakers a "Pink Redo" also!!

I am so grateful to the Lord for all of my blessings that I've decided to thank him on my blog today and to put some things in perspective.
I am soooooo incredibly blessed! I have a husband who loves me beyond reason and puts up with my shenanigans and moods on an hourly basis! I have a home with more bedrooms than there are people in the house. I have 2 bathrooms while some people don't even have one. I have 2 cars paid for: a 12 years old Mitsubishi Montero and an 8 years old Camry and don't lust after a new car which won't get me where I want to go any faster or better than those 2 cars and saves me car payments. I have roses in my front yard. I have a private back yard with a fence. Since we bought this home new 3 years ago I have a new refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher and soft water. Never in my life have I had every appliance in my kitchen new! I have a soft water system. I have a power mower for hubs(!) to cut our grass. I have my 2 kids and 4 grandkids. I have more than a couple changes of clothing in my closet and dresser. I have furniture in my home with carpet for my tootsies. I have a washer and dryer and they're still working marvelously after 10 years. I have computers and books. I have enough food that I could help my neighbors if they were in need. I have ears, nose and eyes that can work exquisitely well for ANY age but certainly for MY age! I have shoes to wear - they may not ALL fit these feet now after the surgery last year, but some of them DO and for that I'm very grateful!!! I have an iron and an ironing board. I have more fabric than one chick should be allowed to have! I have so much craft stuff it's pathetic. :-) I have the love of my church family and if I ever needed something I know they'd be here within minutes. I have enough money for every possible NEED I have and some for WANTS, which are few! I have a brand new church building that is exquisite. I have a sense of humor and trust me, I don't see that in a LOT of people. I am blessed with incredible good health, for which some people have told me that they'd give up any and every thing they have to have good health. My kids and grandkids are well, happy and are blessed with the good things in life and still have a love for the gospel. I am blessed to be able to pay tithing and have that blessing be returned to me in ways that are unbelievable and extraordinary and even inconceivable. I have love and compassion in my heart for everyone. (Now, lest you think I'm perfect; I'M NOT but I'm on the road!) I have a group of ebay friends who bring joy to my life by just putting up with me, which isn't always easy, my little kumquats! And last, but not in the least the least, I love the Lord and he loves me much more than I can even imagine. Beyond anything else I want to have that kind of love for everyone. That is my goal.
Yes, I lead a charmed life and am incredibly blessed and especially for being born in this country of which I am so very, very proud!! God truly does bless the USA!