This is a downstairs bathroom. The other 2 were on the main floor. You can tell some teenage girls live in this house because of all the "hair gear" and shampoos! They have a picture of the temple in that bathroom to remind them to be on their best behavior and be the best they can be, of their Heavenly Father and where their goal in life should be.

This room is vivid pink and lime green and very, very pretty. I think it matches its occupant perfectly. She has drawings in the room that I believe are done by her. And the hanging lanterns over her bed in the colors she loves.

Zebra print pillows adds her little spark to this room plus she's like her mummy—hanging her jewelry on a shelf with pegs.

I left the photo of the media room until last. As you can see, she is like me. The house is basically romantic froufrou but she has a spot for the man/father of the house to feel comfy in a room that a man would feel comfortable in. Actually, I think he is like Love Bunny: he loves her so much no matter how she wants to decorate, if it makes her happy, it makes him happy. My kind of man—DEFINITELY!