A tiny fragment of the corner of a frame makes a delightful practice item. Give it a try sometime, my little chicks. Set your camera to "close", which on most cameras is a flower icon. You'll have to read the instruction manual. Ooooooooh noooooooooooo, you're saying??? Yep, that's right. Put your camera down, step away from it, pick up the "i n s t r u c t i o n" manual (bad word, huh?!) and start reading at least where the "far, near and infinity" settings are on the camera. Sheeeeeesh, do I have to tell you everything?!?! Now, it's not hard, just DO it. Continuing right along...........

I did use PhotoShop Elements on this little picture. It is called "feathering" and I do it around the edges. In fact, I do it on most of my photos to give them that soft look. If you have PhotoShop I imagine it's the same thing. For those of you who don't have anything to play around with for your photos, PhotoShop Elements is about 1/10th the price of the full version and it does a fantastic job for what we regular gals want to do. If you going to go seriously into photography then go right ahead and buy the full version one for about $500 - $600.00. Your decision. If you are on a regular PC you might have Paint on your computer. I'm not familiar with it at all. Paint Shop Pro is another one that is good. I just prefer saving money for " just playing around with my hobby" but, hey, if you have the money, go right ahead. PSE is a fantastic program though. One tenth the price of full version, remember!

Roses on a painted sign I bought a couple of years ago. I can't even remember who painted it, but it was NOT me. :-)

Just a simple little candy dish. I didn't have my camera adjusted quite right for this close up but I doubt many people could tell. I still feathered the edge and it blends in quite well with the "messed up" shot I took. Fooled ya, huh?!?! ;-)

An extreme close up of a toile roses fabric I have. If you enlarge this photo you can see the weave of the fabric. Believe it or not, these kind of photos have helped me make the decision on buying fabric on ebay. If the seller gets it this close I can tell how "heavy" the fabric is. It has helped me immensely when making a selection.

This is on a vintage tin tile I bought about 3 or 4 years ago on ebay. I really like this woman's roses and she says she can whip out a canvas in about a half hour!!! Makes me wanna cry....... But it is simple yet lovely when viewed up close like this.

Another view of that ceiling tile. See what a difference "eye candy" can make "up close and personal"? You can see each brush stroke, each color variation and each color she uses. I love it!

I love the juxtaposition of something old and rusted with something new and elegant. Just a different kind of "eye candy" for me. Truly "shabby and/or chic"!