"Tiara is a state of mind"! Just call me Queen/Diva Connie. Made my own because I couldn't find a real one. I guess Miss America has it this week........but I'll be looking out for an extra one.
I finally found this one old stash of note papers and ephemera. I always took it out of the box and tied each set with pretty ribbons. So many pretty vintage or colorful ribbons are available to wrap around the various notes, ephemera or envelopes and writing paper that it makes one dizzy just seeing them in a beautiful box. Purple, pink, green polka dots, sunny yellow,blue stripes, pink dots, various stripes - enough to delight anyone looking at them. I even found some old anniversary cards from my sweetheart and some mother's day cards from him and my kids and valentines with roses all over them. My heart sang this evening. Tra la la la la !!!! :-)
I really wanted to be beautiful and sexy but got stuck with being humorous and shapely instead. My dream job is Tech Writer. Yes, I said Tech Writer. I am a techie! Such is life. But I am truly a blessed chick. I left the corporate world of California in 1991 to live a more serene lifestyle and haven't regretted it for one moment. I have been married to the same man since 1961. We have 2 children, 4 grandchildren, and 3 great-granddaughters. I live my life in exclamation points!
I love blogging and sharing thoughts on life, my life, ramblings and gorgeous photos. There are no politics on this blog. I speak of my religion sometimes but that's it for religion, and there will never be ads on here. I want this blog to be a serene and celestial place for you, my readers, to enjoy and rest from the frantic pace of the world. I hope you do so with all my heart. I also have a huge amount of eye candy on here. I'm rarely boring.
Me 1968
I have "apple" cheeks!
Me 11/2009
My Pinterest
You will find lots more photos there.
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