Rooms of true Americana are usually red, white and blue. Just look at the different plaids and checks in this room, upholstery on the sofa and chair and the toile and red flowered fabrics on the pillows and the plaids of the curtains (which are not symmetrical if you'll notice; another take on individuality and I've used this once or twice in unusual places also), bead board walls. Just adorable.

And who wouldn't love curling up in this bedroom? Pure Americana but luxurious with its pillows, vintage looking bed and the bed coverings!

This room just simply reminds me of an upscale farm house. I can't explain why but it does. I love the look of comfort and relaxation here with the small wood settee and the chaise lounge with a blanket strewn over it. I always, always have blankets thrown over a sofa or chair in my small family room for the comfort of friends who prefer to stay warmer than I do. ;-) And trust me, they take advantage of it. Which reminds me of one other thing! I have footstools all over my family and living rooms. They are for putting feet up. I can't sit without putting my feet up! But you would be surprised how uncomfortable people are with using those footstools. They think they're for gazing at I suppose. NOT SO! I want them to be comfortable and put their feet up on them. I can always wash or scrub them or even change the upholstery if it gets too bad and I tell them that. Most will still refuse to put their shoes on them. Silly! I put them there for THEM!