As I've said before, we're "down sizing" the house a bit. Through the years my hubby has put up with me buying lots of froufrou for this house. We're now getting rid of a lot of it. I recently had a woman in our church ward and her two oldest girls come over and help me get rid of a lot of stuff in the craft room. Having 4 bedrooms in this house only one has a bed in it—ours. The rest were used for offices and craft/sewing rooms. In this stage of our lives the time has come to scale down and redo the rooms. We need at least one bed in one of the other rooms. So that's happening now. When our granddaughter and her family come, our daughter comes or our son comes with his boys we need at least one bed.
I attacked the plant shelves, cleaned them up and put less back up there. Put a few things on craigslist also. Now the time has come to actually take stuff to the thrift stores. A huge desk and credenza, books, etc. I buy very little for this house anymore as it's decorated pretty much as I like and the furniture I buy is Ethan Allen and that lasts a long time.
I'm not one that has to change frequently. When I achieve the look I want and love, why change it? I keep it fresh by moving things around in the rooms or from room to room for a fresh look. I cannot tell you the number of times someone has come to our home after many times before and said, "Oh, I've never seen that before." Well, one reason is because I change things around and two, there is so much "fluff" in this house they don't catch it all at once.
Hubs and I went to see the movie "American Sniper" and absolutely loved it. In fact, it was showing on all 14 screens of each of the 2 huge cinema complexes in our city and one hour apart. We still had to wait in line to see it. I think it was about one hero's insight into his job. And he was a hero in my book. He was ready to defend my country from evil. When it finished with scenes from his funeral and memorial in a huge stadium in Texas and highway over ramps lined with thousands of people and the freeways lined with thousands of people you could not help but cry. When the movie was over there wasn't a dry eye in that theater and silence was overwhelming. It just caught you in the throat. I've never seen our complex so crowded with people. My heart swelled at the love those people have for our country. So if Hollywood would make more "hero" movies they might make more money as I keep seeing where "American Sniper" is on its way to be an all-time highest grossing war movie. My congratulations to Clint Eastwood and the hero, Chris Kyle. War sure is hell but someone has to protect our country and the Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and our policemen do a bang up job! My heart will always be with our fighting men.
I attacked the plant shelves, cleaned them up and put less back up there. Put a few things on craigslist also. Now the time has come to actually take stuff to the thrift stores. A huge desk and credenza, books, etc. I buy very little for this house anymore as it's decorated pretty much as I like and the furniture I buy is Ethan Allen and that lasts a long time.
I'm not one that has to change frequently. When I achieve the look I want and love, why change it? I keep it fresh by moving things around in the rooms or from room to room for a fresh look. I cannot tell you the number of times someone has come to our home after many times before and said, "Oh, I've never seen that before." Well, one reason is because I change things around and two, there is so much "fluff" in this house they don't catch it all at once.
Hubs and I went to see the movie "American Sniper" and absolutely loved it. In fact, it was showing on all 14 screens of each of the 2 huge cinema complexes in our city and one hour apart. We still had to wait in line to see it. I think it was about one hero's insight into his job. And he was a hero in my book. He was ready to defend my country from evil. When it finished with scenes from his funeral and memorial in a huge stadium in Texas and highway over ramps lined with thousands of people and the freeways lined with thousands of people you could not help but cry. When the movie was over there wasn't a dry eye in that theater and silence was overwhelming. It just caught you in the throat. I've never seen our complex so crowded with people. My heart swelled at the love those people have for our country. So if Hollywood would make more "hero" movies they might make more money as I keep seeing where "American Sniper" is on its way to be an all-time highest grossing war movie. My congratulations to Clint Eastwood and the hero, Chris Kyle. War sure is hell but someone has to protect our country and the Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and our policemen do a bang up job! My heart will always be with our fighting men.
Loving this porch.
I visited Pierre Deux in Carmel once and it was a feast for the eyes with all the fabrics they had. This is one of my favorites.
I'm not so sure that sofa would be comfortable to sit on but I love looking at it.
And yes, I love this room.
A bit of purple eye candy.
Those pretty bowls on the middle bottom shelf are what caught my eye.
Don't you just love quaintness in these small towns?
If I ever redo some of my lamps I'm definitely doing this on one of them.
Another one of "my kinda room"!
Beautiful table, setting and seating.
Love these potholders but I never see them anywhere around where I live.
See what you can do with a plain old stool, pink paint, ribbon and upholstery tacks. Voilà.
This is in England, another quaint shop that the British do so well.
Elegance combined with Farmhouse style.
I love this setting but especially the bougainvillea draping over.