It's official; winter is here. The roses are no more, and we had snow a few days ago. It didn't stick but it was here for a few hours anyway.

Miss Caroline in the pumpkin patch with her Da-da. I don't think I'd be carrying her around on my shoulders with a cup of liquid in those sweet little hands (look at them) but her daddy is the man in her life and she's the "other" woman in his life. I've never seen a man so crazy about a kid in my life!

With all the physical therapy I've been doing—and now hubs—we've gotten free tickets from our physical therapist for a dinner at Olive Garden and now free tickets to a movie. We're going to go see Tower Heist tonight.
Monday nights is our "salad night" at Jack-In-The-Box. You all know by now if I can get out of cooking I'm going to do it. Mondays are a "no cooking" night for me, as is one other day later in the week, either Thursday or Friday night. And if I can throw in a lunch or two, so much the better.
The other day while running some errands I saw a school marquee that said:
Are you resting enough? Attendance is important.
I didn't need a billboard to tell me that. My parents put the fear of death into me if I didn't attend school. Truly, I was astounded that message would even be necessary. Gee, how the world has changed from when we were in school.
Love Bunny is taking physical therapy now. On Friday night, November 11th, he came home from doing the VFW Buddy Poppies and told me his head/neck area hurt. He did more Buddy Poppy "sales" on Saturday also. His neck got worse. I called some men in our ward to come and give him a blessing. It just so happened to be our Bishop and he's a pediatrician and mentioned meningitis. I had already decided I was going to take him to ER just before the Bishop and another Elder arrived. They gave him the blessing and off we went to ER. His head was hurting so had he couldn't lift it off the pillow. The Bishop crawled up on my side of the bed to lay his hands on hubs' head while the other man attended on hubs' side of the bed.
After 3 1/2 hours in ER it was determined through x-rays he had occipital nerve inflammation. They gave him a 2 drug cocktail intravenously and 3 prescriptions and sent us home. So from that day until today I've been driving him everywhere he's needed to go. With the drugs we didn't want to risk driving. He's also taking physical therapy to help the neck muscles. His head isn't hurting quite as bad as a week ago but it's still there. He'll be fine I know but it was a bit scary for those couple of hours. But when he went with me to PT for the first time, the physical therapist jokingly said giving him an evaluation was private. I told her he gave us his privacy 50 years and 5 months ago—our wedding day. She shut up and he didn't say a WORD!
Recently my "lunch" consisted of a sausage biscuit from McDonald's and a Milky Way Simply Caramel candy bar. It was a very busy morning! I love that kind of breakfast but sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do! Sigh...and wink!
That's it for today. Off to get ready for my night out. ;-)