Several years ago when we moved to Idaho from California, we bought a house. Little did I know at the time we bought it that it was the most famous house in that small town simply because it was built and owned by a prominent family. It didn't even have a house number on it. We just had to tell the craftspeople who came to fix something where it was and they'd say 'Oh, the old ****** house.' We finally ended up putting numbers on the front of it. I just couldn't live in a house without numbers on it.
As life would have it since it was a huge house, we were asked to house visiting people from our church when a group of young people would come to town. So we ended up hosting basketball teams and volleyball teams. But once we were asked to help a family in need.
A friend, whose hubby was a leader in our church ward, asked if I could help with a family with 2 children living in a motel and invite them to stay with us until they could find a house to rent. I said I would and went to the motel and packed them up into my car with all their belongings and brought them to our house. I don't know why but I was thinking the kids were girls but they turned out to be 2 very lively, hyper boys.
After a day or two I realized how active young boys could be but the mother tried keeping them in the daylight basement downstairs which was a huge area for all of them—about 1600 square feet. They had to use our kitchen to cook though and that turned out fine. I had to tell the boys to stop putting their feet on the walls (I'm very persnickety about my home.) My kids never did things like that, but boys will be boys. I just sat down the rules.
Well, after several days and through a set of circumstances, I found out the father had just been released from prison. I was flabbergasted and when I told our bishop about it I just blew up. While they were trying to preserve the family's confidentiality, I told them they had no right to ask me to take in a family with a father who was just released from prison without telling me about it. He could have been in for robbery or murder for all I knew. I think it was a white collar crime but I don't know for sure. I was furious and told them to please find them a house to rent asap. They did and actually turned out to be nice people and active in the church. They moved and divorced not long after that. But I told my hubby I wouldn't take in any more people that I didn't know. It's not a holier than thou attitude; it's a matter of safety and extra work for us now that we're getting older. It just takes so much more energy and time to do things now that we could accomplish much faster 20 years ago. But anyway, that's the story. I didn't like being deceived and not knowing what kind of individual I was hosting.
We see many of these types of homes in California and I just loved the quaintness of them.

Another duvet I love.
As life would have it since it was a huge house, we were asked to house visiting people from our church when a group of young people would come to town. So we ended up hosting basketball teams and volleyball teams. But once we were asked to help a family in need.
A friend, whose hubby was a leader in our church ward, asked if I could help with a family with 2 children living in a motel and invite them to stay with us until they could find a house to rent. I said I would and went to the motel and packed them up into my car with all their belongings and brought them to our house. I don't know why but I was thinking the kids were girls but they turned out to be 2 very lively, hyper boys.
After a day or two I realized how active young boys could be but the mother tried keeping them in the daylight basement downstairs which was a huge area for all of them—about 1600 square feet. They had to use our kitchen to cook though and that turned out fine. I had to tell the boys to stop putting their feet on the walls (I'm very persnickety about my home.) My kids never did things like that, but boys will be boys. I just sat down the rules.
Well, after several days and through a set of circumstances, I found out the father had just been released from prison. I was flabbergasted and when I told our bishop about it I just blew up. While they were trying to preserve the family's confidentiality, I told them they had no right to ask me to take in a family with a father who was just released from prison without telling me about it. He could have been in for robbery or murder for all I knew. I think it was a white collar crime but I don't know for sure. I was furious and told them to please find them a house to rent asap. They did and actually turned out to be nice people and active in the church. They moved and divorced not long after that. But I told my hubby I wouldn't take in any more people that I didn't know. It's not a holier than thou attitude; it's a matter of safety and extra work for us now that we're getting older. It just takes so much more energy and time to do things now that we could accomplish much faster 20 years ago. But anyway, that's the story. I didn't like being deceived and not knowing what kind of individual I was hosting.
We see many of these types of homes in California and I just loved the quaintness of them.

Another duvet I love.

Beautiful window, balcony and hanging flowers.

Another beautiful window.

A very brave homeowner indeed to have these colors in her kitchen.

Beautiful bedroom and she can hang things above her window with those coat hooks. Very clever!

Do I even have to say anything here? Sigh...