Since Love Bunny is out of town I decided to pack away and try to sell some of the extra fabric to get rid of it........uuuhhh, this was sorta suggested by LB so I thought it'd be a good idea. *Wink* So I did 2 boxes to go into the garage attic, 1 box to throw away and 2 big piles I've put on ebay. I cleared one entire shelving unit and at least 2 shelves on another one. When I'm down to only 2 shelving units then I'll call the painter guy to come back and paint this room pink also. Anyone interested in some vintage linen scraps or a huge pile of fabric go to my ebay here. I can't wait to see this room done up shabby chic romantic for sewing and crafting. I took down one of the tables and it'll go on the wall in the 4th picture down. So here is the before and the after will be in a couple of weeks probably.

What a mess!

What a mess!

That folded table and chair were right in front of the closet doors and I had to move it each time I wanted to get in there. It's free now. Table will go on wall to the left I think. I have a habit of changing my mind though. ;-)

That pile on the bottom left is old tablecloths I've collected. I'm going to keep a few and put the others on sale either on ebay or the selling blog. But it'll take me several days to get that done. I'm feelin' so "liberated" now!! :-) I'm on another roll, chickees!!