Join Cielo and the participants for "Show Off Your Cottage Monday" by visiting here.
~*~My desk in my kitchen/dining area where I take messages for Love Bunny or write out my grocery list and sometimes just chat on the phone. The table is my old sewing table, which is actually a vintage school desk from the 30s and a folding chair for which I've made a lovely chair covering for it. The tablecloth is a vintage Wilendur one that I'll never, ever part with because I had 2 of them and cut one up for pillows and sold. It is my favorite one of the old tablecloths. Looks perfect in my rose strewn home.

I made this folding chair cover about 7 or 8 years ago out of a barkcloth and really fancy lace curtain. I love it and will never part with it either. It covers an $8.00 blue steel folding chair bought at WM. See how you can jazz up things to look glamorous, shabby chic with minimum effort and cost?

What's a house without more birdhouses?! Hmmmm?
A new birdhouse cottage I made just the other day with beaded lace, ribbon roses and clay roses I make, pearls, a little chick, a rhinestone button and mostly polka dot fabric with a black and pink roses roof. I'm calling this one "Polka Dot Rose Cottage."

Random Thought:
Do you realize that most people under thirty don't use the phone book much and the "20somethings" and teens of today will probably make it obsolete because they are so used to computers and typing in—oooh, say "doctor San Francisco" and getting a list of doctors and phone numbers that they are going to make the Yellow Pages obsolete? Think about it.
I'm also joining in with the 30 days of blessings over at this blog. Each time I post I'll state that for which I am thankful.

The first thing for which I am most thankful is my savior, Jesus Christ. I depend on him to get me through hard times and He does. With 2 tragedies in our family this past year I don't know how I would have done it without the strength He gives me. This might sound trite to some of you, but I can assure you without any equivocation that it's true!