Our first peony of the year. Just starting to bloom.

Day 5

Okay, question for you gardeners out there because I am NOT a gardener and Love Bunny doesn't have all the answers. Do we just let the peony plant droop like that or tie it up? The flowers drag on the ground.

Isn't it magnificent?!

Day 6 and a new one opening up.

And another one.

And yet another one! We are truly blessed to have this much beauty in our back yard.

The dew was still on it this morning when I captured this picture. Glorious creation of our God.

And finally, after 4 years and 9 clematis plants and only 1 plant surviving, we have a flower off of the last one. Love Bunny brought it in here to my office last night and I truly couldn't believe it after all these years.

Wait a minute. He took me outside and showed me the plant from which it came. You're not going to believe this. The longest one below is one we kept in a bucket for a year and during last winter we stored it in the garage. He just today put it into the ground.

But there are 2 plants. We didn't realize one was still alive and growing.

It looks like it's almost dead but some leaves came up and yes, it is the smallest one where I've put an arrow. This clematis really wants to live! It's growing, although it looks dead and only has that tiny little branch growing. I think it's going to survive.