I've been so busy today I forgot to eat lunch! I've been painting and putting some things away from the trip. I also received these little bottles of roll-on oils today and they are wonderful. I've been buying from this lady on ebay for years and her oils are the best. If anyone is interested in buying them go to this site. She has the best selection and the truest scents of anyone I've tried.

Okay I got this little pink bird cage and it will hang over my huge tub in our master bathroom. I don't think I've posted a picture of our bathroom so I'll try and get a picture of it tomorrow and post here. But I already have a ceiling hook and a scarf draped from that across the tub. I'll put something in the bird cage first before putting it up there.

This little hanging shelf I could NOT resist because I love chickens. They are on our dining area rug and look very french. That wasn't my intention at first; I just liked the chickens! But this hasn't gotten a home yet. I'm waiting until after the remodel to decide where to put it.

I painted the little sconce shelf white. It was an ugly gold and I like it better white. Not sure what I'll put on it. The little spice jars are now pink on top. I'll putting decals on them, putting them in the rack after I paint it white and will probably try to sell it.

I bought 3 of these little domes at a thrift shop in Beaumont, Calif. last week. I was thrilled to get them. I'll think of some vignette to make out of them. Not sure what at the moment though.

Fitty has tagged me to tell 5 things about myself. Thanks, sweetpea, but I think everyone on the blogs knows more about me than my mother! :-) I just put it all out there for everyone to see.
Where have I traveled? I've been to Mexico several times, Ireland, England, Texas, California, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Arizona, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Louisiana, Washington D.C., Washington state, Oregon, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Tennessee, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Nevada and most of the states passing through to get to those places.
Where would I like to live? Idaho or Seattle, WA. They are the 2 most gorgeous states I've ever seen.
What is my decorating style? A little formal, shabby chic, romantic, cottage, french, english with just a bit of ME thrown in to make it livable!
How many times have I been married? Only once to the same man for 47+ years.
What is my favorite color? Pink is at the top, but I love pink and yellow together.
What is my proudest accomplishment? Making sure my kids are independent and I've accomplished that!
What would someone be absolutely shocked to learn about me? I can't think of a single thing except that I'm OCD about numbers. I look at license plates and cancel the nines! I know, I know, strange but I can't stop it. I also conjugate words/sentences until I drive myself nuts!!