Have you ever had "one-of-those-days"? That was just a rhetorical question. Silly me, of course, you have. Sunday was one of those days for me.
It was Fast and Testimony Sunday for our church. We fast for 24 hours —I'm horrid at it!—and then give what we would spend on a restaurant for those 3 meals and give to our bishop to help the needy families in our ward. We also bear our testimonies that day. I broke down. I couldn't stop crying from the very first man who spoke. Then a few kids got up and one young man who sobbed the entire time. That didn't help me.
Then in Sunday School I was handed a slip of paper with a scripture to read when the teacher got to that part. He must have given 2 slips of paper because another woman read the one I had. I'm still trying to get used to my iPod and the scriptures on it so I was flummoxed. It didn't get any better. Just one of those days when all goes wrong or the Lord is calling you (ME!) to repentance for thoughts during the week. Oh, who am I kidding? My thoughts in general my whole life! I skipped the 3rd hour, Relief Society, the women's hour at our church on Sunday. I couldn't take the chance that a thunderbolt wouldn't come down, zap me into the next century and the lucky person sitting next to me getting scorched for MY problem. I came home and picked up a book I've been reading. The photo below was a mistake pointing the camera up at the sky when I was taking photos but it pretty much sums up my mood today.

It is said that when we serve others we're happiest. So I'm serving you today. I've decided that I need to give something away to serve y'all. This little bag I made. If I make someone happy with this then I'll be happy. I can always make another one for me. Just drop a comment here and next Saturday when I give away one of the aprons I'll draw another name for this little tote bag. If you don't want it, don't comment here. It's that simple. Remember though that this was a prototype and ain't perfect, chicks. ;-)

P.S. Please do not tell me to be happy; let me wallow in self-pity for a few days at least, for Pete's sake.
It was Fast and Testimony Sunday for our church. We fast for 24 hours —I'm horrid at it!—and then give what we would spend on a restaurant for those 3 meals and give to our bishop to help the needy families in our ward. We also bear our testimonies that day. I broke down. I couldn't stop crying from the very first man who spoke. Then a few kids got up and one young man who sobbed the entire time. That didn't help me.
Then in Sunday School I was handed a slip of paper with a scripture to read when the teacher got to that part. He must have given 2 slips of paper because another woman read the one I had. I'm still trying to get used to my iPod and the scriptures on it so I was flummoxed. It didn't get any better. Just one of those days when all goes wrong or the Lord is calling you (ME!) to repentance for thoughts during the week. Oh, who am I kidding? My thoughts in general my whole life! I skipped the 3rd hour, Relief Society, the women's hour at our church on Sunday. I couldn't take the chance that a thunderbolt wouldn't come down, zap me into the next century and the lucky person sitting next to me getting scorched for MY problem. I came home and picked up a book I've been reading. The photo below was a mistake pointing the camera up at the sky when I was taking photos but it pretty much sums up my mood today.

It is said that when we serve others we're happiest. So I'm serving you today. I've decided that I need to give something away to serve y'all. This little bag I made. If I make someone happy with this then I'll be happy. I can always make another one for me. Just drop a comment here and next Saturday when I give away one of the aprons I'll draw another name for this little tote bag. If you don't want it, don't comment here. It's that simple. Remember though that this was a prototype and ain't perfect, chicks. ;-)

P.S. Please do not tell me to be happy; let me wallow in self-pity for a few days at least, for Pete's sake.