Happy pink saturday and please go to Beverly at howsweetthesound to view all the women who want to share their "pink" with you. You'll enjoy the journey!
I'm going to be a trifle lazy today with pink saturday because hubs wants to drag me off to the other side of the state this weekend...sob...sob...sob...I hate not sleeping in my bed, eating my own food (or Applebee's or Olive Garden's alfredo fettucine!), walking around the house without my bra and various other things, but to keep th' man happy, I'll go. *Sigh*.....
Anyway, I'm going to just show you some beautiful rooms—not mine but others.
See what can be done with very little space to make an tiny office. I love this!

I once painted the insides of my huge linen closets in our other home a Pepto-bismol pink and it did jazz up the long hallway. Love it and may do it again. These are wonderful for that punch of bright color.

What drew my attention here was the pink jacket hanging of the door and the red (looks like lacquer) bedside table. Very oriental looking.

Another dream room for me, chicks. I love the pink walls with white wood trim and the diaphanous curtains framing the bed.

Just my style with the deep ocean blue, pink stripes and touches of green to bring the outdoor foliage in. I did this exact thing in my family room: the colors I mean. Beautiful!
We had an apron making class recently at a saturday activity at my church and I was supposed to teach the women how to make an apron. I ended with with 4 sewing machines, none of which I was in the slightest bit familiar with, and women with various degrees of "sewing ability", thread that didn't match much of what fabrics they each brought, every single machine had a problem or two, but I got a free meal out of it. If you feed me, I'll follow you anywhere! They all tried really hard though and as time ran short I offered to bring this one home and finish it off for this woman. She had never sewn before but did a fantastic job for her first apron. I applied a ruffle I had for another apron and the pockets.

And ya wanna guess who my model is here???? Hah.
So it ain't pink, adjust!
So it ain't pink, adjust!