Before I begin you have to see the most recent picture of Miss Caroline, our new great granddaughter. Yesssss, I'm just like most grandmothers who have to brag, but I won't bore you with a lot of pictures. She's looking at the fish in their backyard pond here. She looks like me: wrinkled and can't sit up straight!
We were off again to the wilds of Idaho camping! This is how I looked as we were getting ready for the camp out.

Let me tell you the story. Please! It's cathartic and therapeutic...for ME, trust me!
I keep telling Love Bunny I hate camping anymore so why does he want to take me or better yet, drag me along. I make no bones about NOT wanting to go. Whimper, whimper.
Let's just say here that my body "doesn't function well" out in the woods. Do you get my drift here? We have a flushing portable toilet that really is a dream when camping outdoors. I'm not a woman who can "go over a hole in the ground" and proved that in Puerto Vallarta Mismaloya beach one year. I had Love Bunny hold a towel around me while I changed into my bathing suit in the parking lot of the beach because the bathrooms (using the term ever so facetiously here!) were literally a hole in the ground and the stall had only 3 sides to it out in the open. Anyone walking by could see me! Couldn't do it. And, yes, you can get out of pants and a shirt into a bathing suit with a beach towel wrapped around you in the parking lot MODESTLY. Trust me, I did it!
Anyway, he accused me of stopping up the portable flush toilet. Now, how in the world can you use too much toilet paper out in the woods? He told me to use less paper. Chicks, it IS what it IS. I can't help it if I have to use more than Mr. Macho! Go munch on some tree bark, Mr. Outdoors!
And this is what I looked like when we got home.

No, that's not the ending. I'll tell you the story.
We arrived just in time for lunch. He wanted a ham and cheese sandwich. I forgot the cheese. He grumbled slightly but adjusted quickly.
I planned us a menu for 3 dinners. Breakfast and lunches were going to be easy. Dinners: Hamburger Helper with salad and veggie, hamburgers on buns with corn on cob and steak with potatoes and salad. Dinners were flexible however as to which we would eat on each night. So the first night I wanted hamburgers on buns.
He: Where are the angus hamburgers?
She: I don't know, either the fridge in the popup trailer or one of the two coolers.
He: I can't find them.
She: Okay, let me look.
She: Well, where are they? I can't find them so go ahead and use the half pound of regular hamburger for HH salisbury steak dinner.
He: That burger isn't here either.
She: Okay, what about steak then?
He: I can't find that either.
Mumble, mumble, grumble
She: I guess I thought you had put the meat into the coolers or fridge.
You can see where this is going, can't you? Both of us forgot the main dish: MEAT! So we had cheese/broccoli rice with 1/2 ear of corn on cob and a salad.
He: did you bring the salad dressing for the salad?
She: do I look stupid or what?
He: looking at me with a snide remark poised on the edges of his lips.
We had extra food stored in the camper so we had cheesy/broccoli rice friday night. We also had some freeze dried chili mac and freeze dried meat sauce with spaghetti in our food storage kit. I told him to take me up to that tiny little restaurant about 15 miles up the road and buy me a dinner. Okay, it was sunday and we don't shop or eat out on sunday unless traveling. So we broke sabbath for us but there was NO WAY I was eating USMC MREs. I had a brownie he's had for 25 years maybe and it was horrible—like a soda cracker thick covered with chocolate. Soldiers love them in the field but I'm not a soldier and almost choked on it. It's like a very flat cracker with nuts in it and about 3 x 3 inches square.
So when we came out of the mountains I had a Subway sandwich and Coldstone Creamery ice cream. It was heaven.
I also forgot my hiking shoes. I travel in my pink Crocs so I can slip them on and off easily but they are NOT for walking up and down the mountain trails. I did however get 3 books read, 4 magazines that gave me several ideas on what I'm going to do for this house. I didn't cook, clean a dish, make a bed, lift a finger. He has always promised me he would cook, plan, wash up everything and I could just relax. I was dying I was so bored. Plus, again, it was in the upper 80s and rather hot and I hate heat. I love cold so I slept well at night. We think it was in the 50s and very pleasant sleeping. But I'm truly happy to be home.
Oooooh, and what did I take for me? Moisturizer, tooth brush and toothpaste, 3 underpants, 3 tops and 2 pants. No brush, comb, makeup, dryer, shampoo, mascara. I "finger-combed" my hair each morning. If I can do this YOU can do this. Of course in the Food Mart at Horseshoe Bend, people gave me a wide berth in the store.

We were off again to the wilds of Idaho camping! This is how I looked as we were getting ready for the camp out.

Let me tell you the story. Please! It's cathartic and therapeutic...for ME, trust me!
I keep telling Love Bunny I hate camping anymore so why does he want to take me or better yet, drag me along. I make no bones about NOT wanting to go. Whimper, whimper.
Let's just say here that my body "doesn't function well" out in the woods. Do you get my drift here? We have a flushing portable toilet that really is a dream when camping outdoors. I'm not a woman who can "go over a hole in the ground" and proved that in Puerto Vallarta Mismaloya beach one year. I had Love Bunny hold a towel around me while I changed into my bathing suit in the parking lot of the beach because the bathrooms (using the term ever so facetiously here!) were literally a hole in the ground and the stall had only 3 sides to it out in the open. Anyone walking by could see me! Couldn't do it. And, yes, you can get out of pants and a shirt into a bathing suit with a beach towel wrapped around you in the parking lot MODESTLY. Trust me, I did it!
Anyway, he accused me of stopping up the portable flush toilet. Now, how in the world can you use too much toilet paper out in the woods? He told me to use less paper. Chicks, it IS what it IS. I can't help it if I have to use more than Mr. Macho! Go munch on some tree bark, Mr. Outdoors!
And this is what I looked like when we got home.

No, that's not the ending. I'll tell you the story.
We arrived just in time for lunch. He wanted a ham and cheese sandwich. I forgot the cheese. He grumbled slightly but adjusted quickly.
I planned us a menu for 3 dinners. Breakfast and lunches were going to be easy. Dinners: Hamburger Helper with salad and veggie, hamburgers on buns with corn on cob and steak with potatoes and salad. Dinners were flexible however as to which we would eat on each night. So the first night I wanted hamburgers on buns.
He: Where are the angus hamburgers?
She: I don't know, either the fridge in the popup trailer or one of the two coolers.
He: I can't find them.
She: Okay, let me look.
She: Well, where are they? I can't find them so go ahead and use the half pound of regular hamburger for HH salisbury steak dinner.
He: That burger isn't here either.
She: Okay, what about steak then?
He: I can't find that either.
Mumble, mumble, grumble
She: I guess I thought you had put the meat into the coolers or fridge.
You can see where this is going, can't you? Both of us forgot the main dish: MEAT! So we had cheese/broccoli rice with 1/2 ear of corn on cob and a salad.
He: did you bring the salad dressing for the salad?
She: do I look stupid or what?
He: looking at me with a snide remark poised on the edges of his lips.
We had extra food stored in the camper so we had cheesy/broccoli rice friday night. We also had some freeze dried chili mac and freeze dried meat sauce with spaghetti in our food storage kit. I told him to take me up to that tiny little restaurant about 15 miles up the road and buy me a dinner. Okay, it was sunday and we don't shop or eat out on sunday unless traveling. So we broke sabbath for us but there was NO WAY I was eating USMC MREs. I had a brownie he's had for 25 years maybe and it was horrible—like a soda cracker thick covered with chocolate. Soldiers love them in the field but I'm not a soldier and almost choked on it. It's like a very flat cracker with nuts in it and about 3 x 3 inches square.
So when we came out of the mountains I had a Subway sandwich and Coldstone Creamery ice cream. It was heaven.
I also forgot my hiking shoes. I travel in my pink Crocs so I can slip them on and off easily but they are NOT for walking up and down the mountain trails. I did however get 3 books read, 4 magazines that gave me several ideas on what I'm going to do for this house. I didn't cook, clean a dish, make a bed, lift a finger. He has always promised me he would cook, plan, wash up everything and I could just relax. I was dying I was so bored. Plus, again, it was in the upper 80s and rather hot and I hate heat. I love cold so I slept well at night. We think it was in the 50s and very pleasant sleeping. But I'm truly happy to be home.
Oooooh, and what did I take for me? Moisturizer, tooth brush and toothpaste, 3 underpants, 3 tops and 2 pants. No brush, comb, makeup, dryer, shampoo, mascara. I "finger-combed" my hair each morning. If I can do this YOU can do this. Of course in the Food Mart at Horseshoe Bend, people gave me a wide berth in the store.