A few varied thoughts for this season.
Blue is a gorgeous color for Christmas or New Years. Very regal.
Blue is a gorgeous color for Christmas or New Years. Very regal.

A rusty old tin can with a handmade sign on it filled with artichokes or even pomegranates or avocados.
Red plates!! Squeeeeeeeal...

A very simple, yet thoughtful, bracelet made from a ribbon and faux pearls.

And wrapped elegantly with white tissue in a lovely sentimental box.

Reminding me of fences that might need mending in my life. ;-)

Our first great grandchild. Our granddaughter posing for her 4 month old baby in the womb. It is a baby, you know. Not some thing that can be obliterated because it's not wanted. Plus I applaud her modesty in posing. So many women today are posing with their pregnant bellies exposed to all the world. For this family, it is a sacred event. New life. To display it for all the world to see to me is not the thing to do. I believe this should be between a husband and wife, not to show to all the world until the beautiful baby comes into this world. But that's just me. Modesty abounds in this house, which is a house dedicated to the Lord.