I've done another one. I think it's the one that will go to a special person.

Back is still pretty enough to be the front part if wanted or can hang it in a doorway and both sides be displayed prettily.

Random Thoughts:
I cannot abide stupidity but ignorance can be tolerated to some degree because we're all ignorant to at least some degree.
But when I read recently that Stephen Hawking, who is a theoretical physicist said we need to abandon earth I just about lost it. He is an example of how extremely bright, talented men and women can be led astray without the gospel in their lives. Abandon earth?! What in the world does he suppose it's here for? Just shows you how stupid AND ignorant even bright people can be! Puhleeeeeeze.
When hubs calls me Connie I almost want to psyche up. Now where is that pepper spray? Sigh.
To calm myself I eat a candy bar. NOTHING works like chocolate and/or sugar.
God tries to teach us the great virtue of patience by refusing to show Himself in this world.
All time is eternally present, leading inexorably to an end that we believe results from our actions but over which our control is mere illusion.
We have the RIGHT to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. That's it, so get over it!