My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How Well Do You Speak?

Being a product of school systems that actually taught proper English, etc. back in the forties and fifties—I think it started its decline in the sixties actually—and teachers who actually corrected us when using incorrect language when talking. I'm a stickler for proper grammar, spelling, etc. Nowadays, it's perusing blogs that I find the pitiful state of our English language. This is even from college graduates. It's becoming so no one can spell, which is easier for some than others, I'll admit, but the grammar from even our students in high schools is pathetic. Hubby witnesses this because he works with some of the schools in the area for the Voice of Democracy the Veterans of Foreign Wars has each year. He and one other man read them and listen to the students' tapes to determine a winner. There are some schools that will not participate. That stymies me as the student can win a $30,000 scholarship at the national level. That's a hunk o' money, folks! But if the school doesn't participate they don't even get the chance to win. Even at the very local level, a high school student wins $150 minimum and that can come in handy to a teenager.

Now, I'll occasionally make mistakes in my blog even though I go over them meticulously. I can proofread it several times, and I do mean several, then publish it and read it again and see where I made an error. Trust me, it's a typo as I certainly know better, but it still frustrates me that I overlooked it. I'm sure some of you have done the same thing. So today, I'm going to give you just a few little grammar lessons. Very simple. Very easy. But terribly important in life.

Than vs. Then
Then refers to time when using it in a sentence. Than refers to comparison. Than is used only in comparisons, so if you're comparing something use than. If not, then you have to use then. ;-) What could be easier than that?

It's vs. Its
Remember: if "it's" cannot be replaced with "it is" or "it has" then it's its. :-) See what I mean.

Their, There, They're
If the word means "belonging to them," use their, as in their face. If you're able to replace the word with "they are," use they're. Otherwise, there is only one correct answer: there.

She/he vs. him/her
I cannot even tell you how often I hear young people, school teachers and old people use her/him at the beginning of a sentence. For instance: Her and me are going to the movies. That shows ignorance on their part. It's accepted language now! Pathetic. It should be: She and I are going to the movies. Language is what defines you more than anything. If you don't use proper grammar when speaking, you'll be looked upon as illiterate. When job seeking, you'd better be sharp because no matter how smart you are with your job skills, your grammar will define you and you may not get the job because you can't speak well when interacting with others. You'll be passed over. Trust me on this.

A gorgeous pink sofa with gold trim.

Eye candy.

Another really sweet, frilly, feminine bedroom.

Pink velvet ribbon.

A pretty vintage-looking apron.

If only my bedroom were this big to accommodate a desk/vanity like this one. Sigh.

I actually do have a clock very similar to this one.

Beautiful pillow cases for a bedroom.

Light pink and darker pink against a beautiful blue sky.

An old wine bottle holder put to exceptionally good use. :-)

A beautiful ceiling.

If I had a vintage claw foot tub, I'd paint it yellow with my pink walls, absolutely.

Someone has taken a vintage—almost worn out—petit point rug and made it into a pretty cloth for a table.

A sweet rose-strewn bed.

Nothing is prettier for holding back curtains than a bouquet of roses, whether real or faux.