A friend recently sent me a book that came as a huge surprise to me. This is one of her paintings below. I absolutely adore just about anything this woman paints.
In her book she has lots of images to share for scrapbooking and gives permission to be copied for our own projects so here are a few of her things to use for scrapbooking or to just sit and look at actually.
In her book she has lots of images to share for scrapbooking and gives permission to be copied for our own projects so here are a few of her things to use for scrapbooking or to just sit and look at actually.

This was the paper it came wrapped in. I squeeeeeeeealed when I saw it and knew I couldn't throw it away. Not sure what I'll do with it yet, but I'll find something to do with it. Maybe just frame it and put it on the wall. It isn't as though I didn't have a plethora of frames in which to mount it. :-)

Her roses look so simple to paint and they're beautiful. I may try painting like this one and see what I can turn out.