I thought about now you'd be getting bored so I decided to mix up the photos a bit and go to the outside some also. Remember there were 225 photos that day and I've deleted very few so we're not even half way through yet, but more surprises are in store. I'll say it again: it's NOT your typical plant nursery! ;-) So stay tuned - if you're interested at all.
A "room" they have set up outside with various pieces of furniture and statuary.
A "room" they have set up outside with various pieces of furniture and statuary.

Farther look at it. I'll show you the koi pond next to it at another time when we travel down the pathway to a waterfall.

For the dog and cat lovers even collars and leashes come in pretty colors - plaids, polka dots and roses! You must enlarge photo to see them well.

A little hanging sailboat for a new bebe to swing peacefully....the land of - "Winken, Blinken, and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe"...... as in the old nursery rhyme........

Lastly, this little girly table in the kids section. I've love to have this but I have no place to put it and no great granddaughter........yet(!)........for whom to buy it!

We buy our roses right from this grouping of Jackson Perkins roses. In early summer this place is absolutely stunning, but you'd probably have guessed that already.

This lovely pink rose is still struggling for life even after a snap freeze the night before I went to photograph the nursery. We all cling to this wonderful life, don't we?