My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cottages, Flowers, Tutus and Jewelry

This post is a little off from what I usually post but one I think you'll enjoy.

I recently was looking for beautiful images of...well, just about anything beautiful or exotic or red or pink, you get the idea. I came upon a website that held my interest for hours. This woman had ball gowns, shoes, jewelry, scenery, vignettes, flowers or any and all kinds—just gorgeous stuff. I loved it. The colors were every color in the paint store! It was true eye candy—lush, vibrant colors, photos of all kinds. Wonderful!

I don't do a lot of fashion or couture postings because it just doesn't interest me. Jewelry is the same way. I have some jewelry and like it but I'm not a jewelry person and certainly don't lust after it. I have a huge gold band with diamonds and I lost one of the diamonds and just haven't ever had it replaced. I just don't care. I prefer other things much more than a diamond.

But these things intrigued me and I'm going to share some of them with you today. Ooooh, there are lots more to come, but be patient. I can't show you everything at once.

These lovely hollyhocks caught my eyes. I don't think I've seen any quite this pink and pretty.

A small mannequin done up in diamond jewelry, roses and PARIS.

I knew you'd want to see more English cottages also, so here is one you'll love.

Also, another small camper caught my eye. Hubs is still fixing up our pop-up tent camper. It sustained some major water damage this past winter with the heavy rains we had. I'm not urging him on to finish this project as I normally would because that would mean he'd want to go camping and it's just not going to happen this year with a problem I've having that is requiring some surgery plus the sciatica I'm experiencing. As the new readers of my blog will learn: I hate camping!!!

This photo reminds me greatly of a favorite Mexican restaurant we used to eat at in San Diego. I loved it. We'd sit outside under banana trees and eat some of the best food in the area. Reminds me of Mexico also. I love Puerto Vallarta best of all the places we've been to in Mexico.

An exquisite drop down desk with the roses I'd want on it if I had one. Beautiful.

I'd love to have one of these bags but I can't remember what they're called at the moment or even who might sell them.

A lovely ballerina outfit. Wouldn't you love to have this little stand somewhere in your home? Oooooh, I would.

Have you ever seen nails done so prettily? These are definitely a stunner. I'm sure this woman doesn't keyboard. ;-)

A ring I just had to show you. It looks huge, but gorgeous.

A pretty diamond comb for your hair.

The colors of these earrings just struck me as unusual.

The most extraordinary cuff I've seen. Magnificent.

If I could duplicate this lamp, I would. Nothing like it that I've seen.

And last but certainly not the least is this beautiful table setting and magnificent cupcake.