My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boise Old Home Part #2

Continuing the tour...

This little house is only 900 sq. ft. and adorable. When you see it in person it is almost like a fairy tale cottage. Just so cute you think if you close your eyes and puff at it, it will disappear.

This is a most unusual garden we passed.

It even had a stream (man-made I'm sure) running through the yard.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this old garage. Remember when they didn't have remote controls on them? We had to get out of the car and open the doors to drive in.

It it's pink I love it, right? Yep! And that unique gate and entry is most unusual.

Is it calling your name?

This looks like a blend of two old styles, the names of which I cannot recall.

Definitely needs some tender loving care. I think someone is fixing it up, whether to sell or live in I don't know.

And just plunk this one down in middle America. Looks like a typical farmhouse I think.