Years ago I called a small business in the next town to us and no one was there so I didn't leave a message as it wasn't that important. Later in the day a woman called me asking what I wanted. That told me right then and there she had Caller ID. Now, this was before "cell phones" and when CID was very new. I was astounded and more than a little put out for someone to invade my privacy. If I had wished to leave a message I should have done so.
Fast forward 15 years and it happened again but this time it really "frosted my cookies"! I called a bank—not mine—to ask a question about something. The man to whom I was referred asked if he could refer me to another branch and then proceeded to repeat my own telephone number back to me! So now they're monitoring their incoming business calls with CID at huge banks! I don't like that. Too invasive for my taste.
Don't ya just love a guy with a sense of humor??? *Smile*

We had a friend once that named their daughter, Myrtle. Now, while I had an great-aunt with that name, it isn't exactly a "beautiful" name in today's society. Oh, I'm all for naming children what you want (after all, my daughter is named after my hubby's favorite cow and an old girl friend and how in the world did I let that one slip by?), they'll be teased about certain names. Names do matter! Choose carefully. The girl named Myrtle?? She's a lovely young lady and very, very bright!
I read on the news on the internet about women having children later in life. Now, I love children, absolutely LOVE them, but if you're in your forties and your children don't have them until their 30s or 40s, you stand a huge chance of never meeting your own grandchildren! I'd be very sad not to have met mine. I believe the people who make a conscious choice to not have children are very selfish. Noooooooo, don't go harassing me on that one. Think about it: when you give up much of your time, dreams and ambitions, you're making one of the ultimate sacrifices. I salute you moms of the world!! You are selfless.
The other day as Love Bunny was leaving for work we were idly chatting as people do when readying themselves for the day. He mentioned something about his schedule and I then said something about "but I'm just a housewife" in jest. He immediately said to me, "Yes, but you're very good at it." Made my day for him to be so flattering plus he was serious. I take good care of that man!
I saw on the internet several weeks back a man who got caught in a ski chair and ended upside down with his pants around his ankles and his ski jacket up around his throat - remember, upside down. He was n*ked for the whole world to see. Oooh, it was absolutely no fault of his own, but the other skiers whipped out their camera phones and caught that poor man in all his "glory." He must have been terribly embarrassed as he had a child in the seat beside him on the lift chair. His own??? Don't know. But it does give one pause since a famous young gold medal swimmer was recently caught doing something he knew he should NOT have been doing. Again, the gawkers couldn't wait to whip out their camera phones to capture it for the generations who will follow us. So my advice to anyone would be: don't do ANYTHING you wouldn't want captured by "your best friends in the whole wide world" to capture on their cells for the whoooooole wide world to see!
My granddaughter works for Microsoft after graduating from the University of California at Berkeley. During the interview several years ago, the interviewer asked her how she would explain "something complicated to a novice computer person—like your grandmother." Well, she laughed because her grandmother—ME— is on computers all the time and while chuckling she told the interviewer this. So now when they have a meeting for the division she works for they ask the same thing: how would you explain something complicated to a novice—like your grandmother, but her boss then turns to my granddaughter and gives her this caveat—except yours, Mandy. Hah.....ain't no dumb or stupid people in this family! Her co-workers are astounded that her "grandmother" is so computer savvy. Go figure!

Is this guy clueless or what? What mother would let her child go out like this? Hey, mother of this guy, give that man a "talkin' to", huh!!!! Looks sort of like "Li'l Abner meets Nascar with a little surfer dude thrown in".........uhhhh, sorry, all you Nascar fans. Not casting aspersions on you, just this "dodo bird"!!!