It's time for The French Cupboard's Rosette Party. Join in the fun with so much eye candy you'll have your sugar fix for a month! Just click on the logo over here --------->
and go to all the participants.

and go to all the participants.

For those of you who have never been to my blog before I have an admission: I love roses. Yep, it's true. I am also a very froufrou-y chick. My house is very feminine. My hubby, Love Bunny, is a retired Marine and lives in a pink house. I spend as much spare time as possible making flowers of just about any material: paper, coffee filters, fabric, ribbon, ANY thing I can. Below you will see some of them. Just about every single item below is handmade by me. Only a few aren't and those are stated above the photo. If I need some kind of accessory for a shirt or jacket, I whip it up in just a few minutes. Take a look and enjoy. And if you have any interest, look just below my banner/logo above and click on my House, Office, Studio, etc. to view my home. I truly doubt you'll be disappointed. :-)