Join Claudia in celebrating and finding beauty.
And also, you probably won't want to miss tomorrow's Pink Saturday blog post!

And also, you probably won't want to miss tomorrow's Pink Saturday blog post!
Puttering again while hubs is out recently. I truly meant to just sit and read as I was so stuffed up from a sinus attack I could barely breath, but I don't let that keep a good woman down, now do I?? So I froufrou-ed up these little clothes pink since I have a plethora of them in my laundry room. I've TOLD you that if it is in this house it is froufrou-ed up, didn't I? I don't speak lightly on these things, chicks. Everything that can be beautiful IS beautiful here at the old ranch. ;-)
But, since I'm running out of spending money (Yesssss, can you believe it? Squeeeeeal and bleeeeeechhhh! and :-( and hubs is always asking me why I keep making stuff), I'm going to sell some of these at a very nominal price. If you have any interest, go here to find them. Ribbon, rick rack, roses and rhinestones.

The other sides have decoupaged flowers on them.
But, since I'm running out of spending money (Yesssss, can you believe it? Squeeeeeal and bleeeeeechhhh! and :-( and hubs is always asking me why I keep making stuff), I'm going to sell some of these at a very nominal price. If you have any interest, go here to find them. Ribbon, rick rack, roses and rhinestones.

The other sides have decoupaged flowers on them.

This is a completely different batch as he came home and left again so it was back to crafting. I used a string of old sequins on some of them, chenille rick rack on others, trim on some and some exquisite embroidered french ribbon on one. I don't have much left of that ribbon and cannot find it anymore. Oooops, I noticed the one pin is turned on its side.

There, that's much better. ;-)